Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Farewell Nicolina!

My 102 year young grandmother decided to transition to the other side, so I am travelling tomorrow to Tennessee with my parents to attend her services.

I have already packed my airplane snacks: baked tofu, protein bars cut in half into 100 calorie sections, and a baggie of sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Yum-o!

I also made a workout date with a cousin (who is like minded) for Friday morning at 6:30 and plan to get in at least one other long workout on Sunday mornng before I fly home.

I then depart on Monday morning for a business trip to Texas, returning home on Thursday eve. Travel can be disruptive to our healthy efforts, but I am determined to maintain my focus and not be thrown off track!

I also will be on the lookout for emotional on-ramps to avoid. Attending a funeral, even for someone who has lived a long full life, can bring up emotions on all fronts. I plan to meditate and breathe when needed to avoid giving in to emotional eating.

Desire, dedication and discipline make it all worhtwhile!

1 comment:

  1. Well said, sis-o-mine! From the "decision" of Granmom to avoiding "on-ramps" that throw one off-road emotionally...With such clarity, you'll be not only balanced spiritually, you're physical presence will be balancing, as well. Thanks for going with M&D and "representing"...
