Friday, December 27, 2013


I am sitting with my husband this morning completely overwhelmed with gratitude for all of the blessings in my life.  He is hooked up to a cryo therapy (ice) machine that is accelerating his healing from knee surgery yesterday.  He had a meniscus tear repaired.  He is doing fabulously!  I am so grateful for so many things. 

First of all, for his strong baseline health.  He takes very good care of himself and is strong and healthy.  So, even though he tore his meniscus, he is in awesome shape. 

Next for the fact that we have good health insurance and can select the finest surgeon to fix his knee.  Thank you Dr. Tallman.

Next, for my Mom, who sat with me during his surgery.  It was so nice to have her company!

Next, for my sister who provided healing homeopathic therapy to speed his healing process.

Next, for the abundance in our lives so that we can afford to buy the cryo therapy machine, which is not covered by insurance, but is considered to be the gold standard in rehab therapy.

Next, for my parents who made Allen his favorite meal, homemade pasta, so he could enjoy it as soon as he was home and propped up for healing. 

Next, for the healing love in the Christmas cookies Mom and Dad brought him for further "pain: medication!

Next, that I work for a company who is happy to give me a few days off so I can be by Allen's side during his initial healing.

I hope that all of you will sit in gratitude and count your many blessing.  It sure is a good time of year to do just that!

Desire to act with gratitude.  Dedication to count our blessings.  Discipline to be sure to thank our loved one for all they do.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

San Diego vs. Green Bay

I am sitting here this morning with my beautiful niece (23) who has moved to San Diego from Green Bay 4 months ago.  We just enjoyed a delicious Christmas breakfast including a limoncello mimosa.  Delicious!

We were talking about the beautiful weather here in San Diego after facetiming with her folks (in Green Bay) who had to go out and blow the snow from the driveway so they could go pick up visiting family for the holidays.

We also talked about indulging for the holidays and I said we can all diet on January 1.  Emily reminded me that I had told her never to diet, because the word diet has the word die in it!

First of all, I was tickled pink that she remembered something I had told her!  That in itself was an amazing thing! Then I reflected about what she had said and I actually agree with her!  Diet does have die in the word.  We want to alter the way we eat to become healthier, not to die!  So as I enjoy the treats of the season, I do want to move towards continued health and give zero thought to the word "die".  So we will all continue on our healthy journeys and never diet again!!!

Desire to increase health. Dedication to listen to the wise ones in our lives. Discipline to never DIEt again!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Tri Tri Tri!

One of the most amazing blessings of my life is my husband Allen.  He is the love of my life, the wind beneath my wings, my biggest supporter, my better half and so much more.

An important part of my healthy journey has been to support him and his efforts.  So, this morning he competed in his first ever triathlon, sprint distance.  He is a super star.  He has always been athletic (motocross, rugby, etc.) but this seems like a bigger deal than before.

Yes, I got up at 4:30 on a Sunday and went with him, but he did all the hard work.  I am so proud of him!  If you know him, please send him congratulations!

It takes a lot of training and preparation to do these competitions, even at the sprint distance.  My running days are behind me, so I won't do one, but he represented the McKay name quite well this morning!

Desire to support my loved ones.  Dedication to be his cheerleader.  Discipline to wake up with him at o-dark-thirty.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

Not just now during this very busy season, but all throughout the year?  So many times, getting enough sleep surfaces as a critical success factor for reaching and maintaining a healthy weight.  I know this is an ongoing challenge with my healthy journey.  My sleep patterns are all &$#+ed up.  This week was a particularly notable week of bad sleep due to an unbelievably busy week at work.  My mind simply doesn't shut off for long enough.  I fall asleep easily and well.  But I tend to wake up 4-5 hours later and finish the night with tossing and turning. After 4 nights of sleep deprivation, it is harder to function well.  It is enough to drive me crazy.  There is no doubt in my mind that the added stress of sleep deprivation impedes my ability to easily shed weight.

I have tried everything short of sleep drugs.  I just can't bring myself to do drugs.  Restorative yoga, herbal teas, warm relaxing baths, reading, no TV in the bedroom (never had on in the bedroom, don't believe in it), light dinner, avoid caffeine, no sugar near bedtime, going to bed and waking up at a similar time each day and so much more. 

BUT once in a while there is a fabulous reward, like yesterday.  It rained in San Diego much of the day and my hubbie and I got under the covers in the late afternoon, read a little bit, then took a nap.  IT WAS A LITTLE SLICE OF HEAVEN! 

My happy holiday wish for you all is that you find a way to enjoy some blissful, much needed, hard earned rest and relaxation.  It is the best gift you can give yourself!

Desire to sleep well.  Dedication to keep trying ideas to get me there.  Discipline to do all the right things for peaceful sleep.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Let's Get Ready to Rumble!

And by rumble, I mean rumbles in the tummy, as in hungry...  Thanksgiving was awesome and is now past so we have 3 weeks to practice deprivation to be able to enjoy more holiday celebrating without guilt!

I am going to eat clean protein with lots of green veges.  After all, I need to counter act the effects of the Thanksgiving holiday and make calorie room for my Mom's famous Christmas cookies!

BTW, my sister introduced me to a wonderful new pumpkin treat.  She found pumpkin lollipops at See's candy store.  They are delicious, last a long time and have only 70 calories, 2.5 grams of fat and 8 grams of sugar.  All in all, not a bad nutritional summary for a delicious treat!  Just thought you might like to know.  The pumpkin flavor is seasonal, so if you are interested, go now to try them!

Desire to seek balance.  Dedication to myself.  Discipline to practice caloric deprivation.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

This Is Why I Like to Workout!

I saw this post and just had to share it.  We all have a wonderful opportunity to lead by example.  The little ones in our lives watch what we do, not necesarily what we say.  The author is talking about a daughter, for me it is about all the impresionable young girls (and boys) in our lives!


10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know About Working Out

by brynnharrington on November 19, 2013

Mid-way through a recent group exercise class, the teacher lost me. She didn’t lose me because of some complicated step sequence or insanely long set of burpees; I mentally checked out because of a few words she kept saying over and over. “Come on! Get that body ready for your winter beach vacation! Think about how you want to look at those holiday parties! PICTURE HOW YOU’LL LOOK IN THAT DRESS!”

“THAT DRESS?” My brain couldn’t focus on an image of some random dress hanging in my closet. All I could think about was my three-year-old daughter hearing and trying to process those words.

My daughter’s little brain is making sense of the world every single second, taking in verbal and non-verbal cues about how things work and what things mean. And when it comes to exercise, I want her to grow up seeing it as a joy, and not a utility…as a gift, and not a chore…as an opportunity, not an obligation. I want her to do it for the love of it, not to fit into a dress. I want her to grow up knowing that…

1.Strength equals self-sufficiency. Being strong – particularly as a woman – is empowering. It will feel good someday to be able to carry your own luggage down the stairs if the airport escalator is broken, and it will be important to have a solid shot at outrunning a stranger should you meet one a dark alley.

2.Fitness opens doors. Being healthy and fit can help you see the world differently. The planet looks different from a bike or a pair of skis than it does from a car or an airplane. Out in the elements you have the time and space to notice details and meet people and remember smells and bugs and mud and rain and the feeling of warm sunshine on your face. And those are the moments that make up your life.

3.The bike is the new golf course. Being fit may help you get a seat at the table. Networking is no longer restricted to the golf course, and the stronger you are – and the more people you can hang with on the road and trail – the more people you’ll meet.

4.Exercise is a lifestyle, not an event. Being an active person isn’t about taking a class three times a week at the gym. It’s about things like biking to the grocery store and parking your car in the back of the lot and walking instead of taking a cab and catching up with friends on a hiking trail instead of a bar stool.

5.Health begets health. Healthy behavior inspires healthy behavior. Exercise. Healthy eating. Solid sleep. Positive relationships. These things are all related.

6.Endorphins help you cope. A good sweat session can clear the slate. You will have days when nothing seems to go right…when you’re dizzy with frustration or crying in despair. A workout can often turn things around.

7.Working out signals hard-working. The discipline required to work out on a regular basis signals success. Someone recently told me they are way more likely to hire marathon runners and mountain climbers because of the level of commitment that goes into those pursuits.

8.If you feel beautiful, you look beautiful. Looking beautiful starts on the inside. And being fit and strong feels beautiful.

9.Nature rules. And if you’re able to hike/run/bike/swim/ski/snowshoe, you can see more of it.

10.Little eyes are always watching. We learn from each other. You may have a daughter—or a niece or a neighbor or a friend – one day. And that little girl will be watching and listening to everything she you say and do. What messages do you want her to hear?

I’ll never talk to my daughter about fitting into THAT DRESS. But I will talk to her about what it sounds like to hear pine needles crunching under my feet and what it feels like to cross a finish line and how special it is to see the world on foot. I will talk to her about hard work and self sufficiency. I will teach her the joy of working out by showing her I love it. And I’ll leave the rest up to her.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Oh Pumpkin, My Pumpkin!

I love the flavor of pumpkin, so this food season is a little slice of heaven for me!  In the past, I was the first one in line for the pumpkin scone as soon as it appeared at Starbucks.  Now, I find them dry and not worth the calories.

So I have been in search of a pumpkin fix that meets my (ridiculously) high taste standards.  Last weekend we went to a restaurant and I tried their pumpkin pancakes.  I sent them back, too rubbery.  The weekend prior I really cracked up my hubbie.  First we ordered a pumpkin roll, which came out so gooey it was disgusting.  Then I asked for an order of their pumpkin toast, which I didn't eat because I couldn't taste the pumpkin.  Then I asked for a pumpkin muffin, which I picked at because it was too sugary.  Hubbie said - "give it up Dear!"  He was right. :-)

So this morning I created a pumpkin pancake batter and thoroughly enjoyed some pancakes (with light butter) and real maple syrup.  I am completely satisfied and happy!  The calories were high for breakfast, but I won't eat lunch and am planning a big salad for dinner.  An hour of cardio will happen today too. It all balances out.

One other pumpkin treat I "invented"......take the plain canned pumpkin, add stevia and pumpkin pie spice to taste.  Set it in the freezer for an hour, take it out and enjoy a fun version of "pumpkin" ice cream.  Of course it is not ice cream, but it is full of flavor, cold and creamy and only 80 calories for a whole cup!

Desire to satisfy my taste buds.  Dedication to keep trying to find the right flavor treat.  Discipline to carefully enjoy. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

It's the Holidays - Let's All Hang in There!

It is the most wonderful time of the year!  I love the holidays and yet, of late, I find myself feeling overwhelmed with activity and obligation.

This year, I am going to approach things differently.  My husband and I agreed we would protect our Sundays so we would have 50% fewer weekend "things" we needed to do.  We are making a concerted effort to simplify this year.  We have been tapering off the number of gifts we purchase for Christmas for several years.  I am committed to NOT gaining weight this season, which means I will taper off the number of treats I consume.  Nothing will cross these lips unless it is 100% certified completely worth the extra calories!

This season, I have a distinct focus, and that is little Nathan Reid Massa, born on November 14th.  He is my nephew's son, which makes me a Great Auntie.  I know I have always been a great aunti to our 17 nieces and nephews, but now I officially a GREAT AUNTIE!  Tee hee.  When I met him Friday afternoon, I told him I was going to hold him all day on Thanksgiving, and that real soon I would get to be a babysitter.  He is a precious bundle of perfection and wonder and we are so blessed to have him in our lives!  He represents such a beautiful component of my healthy journey - love, health, promise for the future and pure joy!

So, what will your healthy focus be this season?  I hope it is something as wonderful a little Nathan!

Desire to seek balance.  Dedication to my new grand nephew.  Discipline to honor carefree Sundays.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

I'm Baaaaaaaaaack! more ways than one!  Allen and I had a wonderful trip to the wilds of Peru.  We visited Cuzco, Urubamba, Aguas Calientes (at the base of Machu Picchu) and of course, Machu Picchu.  We had a very memorable journey and will carry many wonderful memories with us always.

Before we left, our doctor made sure all of our immunizations were up to date, my sister prepared a homeopathic remedy to help us ward off altitude sickness and we loaded up on all sorts of meds we thought we could need.  As it turned out, we did not experience any travelers sickness.  Our doctor warned us off of fresh fruits and vegetables.  Our friends, who are living in Brazil, warned us off of any pork products.  So we didn't think it would be a fattening trip, with lots of hiking in the Machu Picchu park to compensate!

It turned out that the only problem we had was that my back acted up, so I didn't get to do as much hiking as I had hoped.  Still, we had an awesome journey, including the Orient Express train from Cuzco to Aguas Calientes.  It is an oh so civilized way to travel!

Our hotels were luxurious with excellent dining and service.  The spas were terrific!  And we met our friends from Brazil in Aguas Calientes, Cuzco and Lima!  So fun!

Machu Picchu itself was literally other worldly.  No superlative can describe what it is like to be standing on top of those mountains, so high up, where Inkas once lived, roamed and ruled.  All I can say is that they had to have been one fit tribe of people to be able to live in the Andes.  I will carry with me the extreme steepness of the mountains.  INCREDIBLE!!!  It seems like all we did was drink water all day long.  The altitude is extreme and hydration is key!

Now that we are back, we are focused on the "kale and water" diet, not literally, but definitely not far off.  I am applying calorie restriction to shed some weight.  It feels really good! 

The holidays have snuck up on us again. I hope you are looking forward to a season of love and health and moderation.  Remember to get rest and stay hydrated!

Desire to vacation in fun places.  Dedication to travel safely.  Discipline to come home again!  :-)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Our Future Is Bright!

Yesterday, Allen and I hung out with Emily, one of our nieces.  She is a recent college graduate, who moved from Wisconsin to San Diego to begin her professional life.  When I think about her energy, enthusiasm, passion and commitment to her values, I smile and thing our future is bright!  So many of our nieces, nephews and children of our friends are in exactly the same category.  I am filled with pride when I think of all of them!!!

We had so much fun with Emily, just talking, joking, sharing stories, eating dinner and ending up in the Jacuzzi.  Everything is new, bright and shiny through her eyes.  First "real" job, first car, etc. etc.  Allen said he could tell that I like being around her and our other nieces too.  He is right.  I feel honored to have the chance to help influence their healthy happy journeys.  I am humbled by their intelligence and beauty.  I wonder, did I have as much composure when I was 23?  I doubt it!  Did I know as much about nutrition and movement at 23?  I don't think so.  The "Emilys" in my life seem so much better connected and informed than I was at 23.  Of course, when I was 23, the internet had not even been invented!  Literally.  :-)

When I listen to the news, I can get down about all the issues and problems in our world.  Instead, I choose to focus my energy on the promise of a better future because of all of the positive bright young minds who are just beginning.  We have every reason to stay motivated and healthy to help others shape a better future.  Our future really is bright.

Desire to help shape and influence for a healthy happy journey.  Dedication to be there for others.  Discipline to stay a positive role model.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Light and the Dark

I was wondering about the contrasts in life.  People say that the tough times help us really appreciate the good times.  The bitter cold of winter helps us appreciate the heat of summer.  Financial struggles help us appreciate abundant times.  Stress tends to make us seek relaxation.  When we are really full, we wish for an empty tummy (think Thanksgiving).  When we have been super busy, we just want some unscheduled free time.  Too much sleep makes you want to get up and move.  Too little sleep makes us long for a nice nap.  Does excess make us long for more a little deprivation?  Really sore muscles from working out sends us to relax in a Jacuzzi.

So, I wonder if fat makes us appreciate thin?  Or, does thin make anyone long for fat?  For me, it is more about seeking balance.  I am, after all, a Libra, the sign of the scales.  When the scales tip, figuratively or literally, I go in search of a way to find equilibrium or balance.  I don't need to be a size zero, I just want to be as healthy as I can be. 

Desire to live a healthy balance. Dedication to both the light and the dark.  Discipline to work for the balance.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Control, Alt, Delete

You know how you hit control, alt, delete to reset your computer?  Well, this weekend the universe conspired to let me do just that.  I have been going at such a crazy packed pace that I could feel the stress in my body building up. 

We had another very full weekend planned for yesterday and today, but things happened and we ended up cancelling everything and just staying home together.  We have slept, walked, slept, watched a movie and slept some more.  It feels like I/we (Allen and I) hit our own control, alt, delete.  I feels like I am positioned well to jump back into the proverbial deep end.

Try it yourself.  It may help bring peace, calm and focus.  We need all three of those as we travel our healthy journey through life, don't we?

One more thought this morning that I would like to put out an article about Tom Hanks and a movie he made about the ship captain who was held hostage by Somalia pirates......the author wrote this......the man who was captured and held hostage is called a hero.  He does not like that label.  He said it is simple, nothing is over until you give up.  And he was not willing to give up.

That comment landed in my brain and made me think hard about my healthy journey.  Sometimes it feels like I am being held hostage by the need to continually focus on shedding weight.  But, you know what?  I am not ever giving up either.  I will continue to strive towards a healthy and healthier me as I move through this world because I am worth it.  Are you with me??????

Desire to reset the physical computer.  Dedication to continued focus.  Discipline to cancel everything when it is necessary.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hello, Off Cycle!

Sorry for my erratic posting.  The last few weekends and the next couple of upcoming weekends are so full of activity, that I find myself not making time on the computer.  I hope you will forgive my lapses.

Just a few quickies tonight......

1.  I was in Phoenix airport yesterday.  I ate at a restaurant called Chelsea's Kitchen and had the best fish tacos ever.  I know if it hard to believe...airport and best of anything in the same sentence.  Still, if you ever find your self there and are hungry, I highly recommend it.  They served it with an awesome kale slaw....super good choices, especially for an airport meal!!!

2.  I had a great discussion with my doctor recently about why it is so damn hard to shed weight and keep it off.  She says that all the most recent research is pointing to the truth that calorie restriction is the only and best way.  She says that since she has entered her 50's, she has to stay at 1,200 calories or she gains.  So, it isn't that this is shocking news, it is just that it is so challenging to socialize away from plentiful food.  I eat right and do lots of great exercise.  I just need to eat less food (most of the time anyway).  So, I am going to go back to calorie counting to get used to 1,200 a day to shed my pounds that have crept back.  Then get used to it as the norm!

Desire to travel to a lower body mass.  Dedication to love myself enough to eat less food.  Discipline to count everything until it becomes the norm.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Save Time in a Bottle

Over the past month, we have been to 3 weddings, culminating with my godson's wedding on O'ahu on Saturday.  All 3 couples are very different, all 3 couples are joyously happy.  It has been a true pleasure to share their happiness. 

Allen and I were married 26 years ago, this September 12th.  My parents were married 62 years ago this September 8th.  We are celebrating together and are saying that we are celebrating 88 years of marriage! 

Of course, it is a big number to say, and yet it is so thought provoking, to see the alpha and the omega of marriage; the people just starting out and folks like  my parents who are at the other end of the spectrum.  We humbly sit somewhere in between. 

As I reflect on my healthy journey, I am convinced that those of us who are blessed with a positive life partner probably have an easier time with our healthy journey.  Allen has loved me through thick and thin (literally) and everything in between.  For his love, I am eternally grateful. Everyday. 

But love and support comes in lots of flavors.  I know many amazing people who are supported by family and friends, but are not in a committed partner relationship.  It doesn't matter where it comes from - friends, family, lovers, co-workers, etc.  I think what matters along this journey is connecting with meaningful people in our lives to share the healthy journey, to seek support on the healthy journey, to praise us and help us course correct.

So, whether you are involved with someone who supports you fro 2 years, 26 years or 62 years, or somewhere in between, pause and reflect on what a difference it makes to have those special people with you on your healthy journey.  This ride we are on, called life, goes by so damn fast.  Try to savor the moments and enjoy the journey.

Desire to travel the journey with others. Dedication to appreciate the "others".  Discipline to listen when they share. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Summer Tomatoes - YUM-O!

A dear friend of mine, Nancy, gave me another bag of delicious home grown summer tomatoes today. They are juicy, sweet, colorful (shades of red, yellow, purple...) and unbelievably flavorful!  They should have a different name than the tomatoes sold in the grocery store.  My parents are also growing tomatoes this year and we have had some of theirs too!

Today for lunch I washed the little baby tomatoes and tossed them with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, chopped swiss chard and spinach.  I had a big ol' pile of that for lunch followed by a piece of a Santa Claus melon.  Ask your grocer if they have a Santa Claus melon for sale.  Allen came home with it.  I had never heard of it.  It was one of the best tasting things I have ever put in my mouth!!!

BTW, I just completed my well woman annual exam.  I had everything poked, prodded and measured.  My blood chemistry continues to be at optimum levels.  If you are a woman, I will pass this tidbit along:  my gynecologist says that the new gold standard is to test all women for HPV.  If your test is negative (and mine was) then he said I can go 5 years before I have to have a pap smear again!  Let's hear it for 5 years in between paps!!!  Woo-hoo!

I hope you are going to your annual physicals.  I know it isn't necessarily fun, but it is so important to stay on top of your health!

Desire to scarf down summer fruits and veges.  Dedication to your annual physical.  Discipline to schedule the appointment and go.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

"The Plan"

How many of you have heard about The Plan?  A friend just told me about it today.  I did a search and saw that Dr. Oz featured it on his show recently.  This link should get you to his site to watch all about it.

It is compelling because a nutrition practitioner claims to have found the secret to weight loss.  Apparently, many of us struggling to lose weight and keep it off are simply making food choices that are wrong for us.

The cleanse phase of The Plan is only 3 days and then you slowly and systematically add back foods and carefully monitor how your body reacts to the foods.  It is based on our body having an inflammatory response to some foods that causes us to gain weight, even healthy foods like beans, broccoli, salmon, eggs and many more foods. 

I am intrigued.  I am going to buy the book, read it and give it a try.  If any of you have tried this and have an opinion on this "new theory", I would love to hear from you! 

Desire to check out The Plan.  Dedication to seek out the information.  Discipline to invest the 20 days to try it!                                                                                                                          

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Shhhhh, Did You Hear That?

Of course you didn't hear that because I am referring to the absence of sound, the peace, the quiet......pure bliss!

I am struck by how beautiful it is to sit in my kitchen and listen to the rustle of a soft breeze blowing through the trees in the back yard.  It is such a glorious sound, and yet, one that I/we don't often pause to enjoy. 

Our lives are so filled up with activity, errands, to-do's, going here and going there, and yet, on this beautiful Sunday morning, I am absolutely filled with happiness just sitting and enjoying the stillness.  OK, I know you are thinking.....but, Patty, you are typing a post to your blog!  Yes, you are correct, and still, it is quiet all around me.  :-)

Did you know that the whole purpose of yoga practice is to learn how to quiet your mind?  The asanas, or postures, are actually intended to help you focus in the moment, to go inside to the vast reality that is our inner self.  When we are able to be in stillness, just be, we can begin to connect with the higher power that is inside of all of us.  It is not religious, but it is spiritual. 

So, for the rest of today, I am going to be as still as I can be.  OK, OK, I am going to swim laps later on this evening :-), but up until then, I will enjoy as much quiet as I can.  I am excited to see what I will learn from my inner self today.

Desire to know more about me.  Dedication to peace and calm.  Discipline to be still.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Family, Family and More Family

Here we are at the end of another week filled with family and fun. I have managed to keep up with my work schedule, my workouts and family visits every evening!  I am exhausted and happy and looking forward to next week when all I have to do is go to work and work out!

We have one more big day of family.  Tomorrow we are hosting my Dad's 85th birthday party.  I am so grateful that we are close enough, emotionally and geographically, to share this day with him, Mom, sis, brother and girlfriend, nephew and girlfriend and mother-in-law plus her husband. 

So, I am going to keep this super brief 'cuz I know you will understand when I say that I have much to do to prepare for the party tomorrow.

I hope you are enjoying a fun summer week filled with family, fun and health!

Desire to hold family close.  Dedication to enjoy summer.  Discipline to keep it healthy.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Mermaid Sisters

My trainer, Kathi Potts, was competing in the Vineman Ironman (in Sonoma) yesterday.  She finished 9th in her division, 50-54.  She went the whole 140+ miles in 14 hours.  Simply AMAZING!

Since she was out of town (I workout with her Saturday mornings), I decided to swim yesterday for my workout.  I used my parent's community pool and swam a mile.  It felt great. I am definitely part mermaid and swimming is my strongest sport, always has been.

After my swim, I was chatting with 2 other people who were swimming laps.  We introduced ourselves and I mentioned that my sister swims everyday at that pool.  They said....Is your sister Joy?  I said....Yes!  They told me that were so proud of her and how much she had progressed with her swimming.  My sis is on her own healthy journey and began a while ago, incorporating pool exercise as a way of reaching a healthier weight.  Then she progressed to swimming laps.  According to John and Judy (from the pool) she has reached 50 laps!  Go sis go!!! 

Joy had never mentioned her progress to me, but I am super proud of her!  Most people can't or won't swim 50 laps, and now she does!  Let's hear it for sister mermaids! 

So go out and get your mermaid on, find a pool, jump in and enjoy a swim!

Desire to enjoy summer exercise.  Dedication to keep lapping the pool.  Discipline to go a full mile.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Whole Fam Damily

My brother and his family are visiting.  It is amazing how grown up his 2 youngest are.  They are 16 and 18 and spectacular young men. 

I invited them to work out with my trainer on Saturday morning and was pleasantly surprised when they said they wanted to join me.  It was a blast.  I am so grateful that they are interested in health and fitness. 

I feel good about being a positive influence in their lives.  I can't believe they are so grown up!!!

Their older brother, who is 26, is expecting his first child in November.  Yesterday, I said, for the first time, that I am going to have my first grand baby.  It is so exciting to know that I will be a grand auntie.  The continuation of generations simply heightens the need to focus on being healthy so that I will be able to enjoy the new grand nephew arriving in November. 

What is happening in your life that motivates you to keep going, keep striving, keep making good choices to enhance your healthy journey?

Desire to meet my grand nephew.  Dedication to love my nephews.  Discipline to help teach my nephews by good example.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Bull Taco Birthday

Today we are off to the oceanfront San Elijo campgrounds where there is a taco stand called Bull Taco.  A friend of ours is celebrating her birthday by inviting people to gather there and then take advantage of the beach front location for water fun.  I am looking forward to the celebration. 

This will be a fun, interesting eclectic group of people including many from the yoga community, the healing arts community (this is our friend who is a reikke master) and a few corporate folks like Allen and I.  It should be great to share and hear different perspectives together.

It makes me think of our collective healthy journeys.  Each of us is interested in cultivating, capturing and sustaining health.  Each of us goes about it in a different way.  I think there is a need to suspend judgment and be open to lots of possibilities. 

Is organic always better?
Are processed carbs always bad?
Is daily exercise always the best way?
Is vegetarian/flexitarian/vegan/gluten free/dairy free (etc) the only way to go?
Lift heavy weights with low reps?
Lift light weights with high reps?
What about low salt, fat free, corn syrup, trans fats, casein?

I think the best we can do is to strive to keep learning, be open to listen to different perspectives and select the path that is best for you.

Desire to be open to learning.  Dedication to seeking out people who don't always agree. Discipline to suspend judgment and listen.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

National Donut Day.....Not So Much!

Some of you may know that on 4th of July, Allen and I celebrate by eating donuts.  It is the only day of the year that we allow ourselves to have donuts.  We have been doing this for years.  We always look forward to it, Allen loves a plain crueler and a maple bar.  I look forward to glazed donut holes and an apple fritter, where I pick off the crust on the outside and leave the doughy middle. 

In some ways, last Thursday was not a great success.  We arrived at our favorite little donut shop only to find they had sold out of glazed donut holes.  So we raced to another nearby, albeit untested, donut shop to buy the glazed donut holes.  They had them, but they were not true donut holes.  Instead they were small pieces of dough that had been fried and glazed.  They were larger than a "real" donut hole, so the dough to glaze ratio was off and they did not taste as good.  Apparently, so many of the donuts that are being made at this time are not round with a hole in the middle.  There are more bars, filled, twist and other designs.  Hence the shortage of real donut holes.

I have to say that I enjoyed the bits off of the apple fritter, and I did enjoy half of a cinnamon roll.  But what I really craved, the perfect glazed donut hole, alluded me this year.

We enjoyed our off-plan calories, went home and took a nap.  When I woke up, I felt sick.  I think it was all the sugar and fat my system was trying to process.  We took a nice walk and that helped make me feel better.

The best part of this year's National Donut Day is that I am not motivated to want to do it again next year.  I did not like feeling that icky.  So, I guess it was a big success after all!  Isn't it wonderful when we get a lesson from an unexpected source?!?!  I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July 2013 and enjoyed it in a way that honored you!

Desire to celebrate.  Dedication to honoring our traditions. Discipline to listen to our body when it is teaching us a lesson.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Sacred Honu

I love the importance of the honu, or turtle, in the Hawaiian culture.  Everywhere you go, you see honu symbols.  The honu literally permeates all aspects of life on the islands.  People seek out beaches and coves so they can see the honu swimming, and even swim with the honus.  The image is used on every imaginable item you can think of.  You will always remember the first time you saw a honu while swimming in the ocean.  It is thrilling!!! The honu is simply loved, revered and protected throughout the Hawaiian islands!

Here in the U.S., we simply say turtle.  Everyone has heard of the contest between the turtle and the rabbit.  The rabbit is fast out of the gate but, in the end, the turtle wins the race.  Slow and steady wins the race. 

Some people think of the turtle as slow and plodding.  Not me!  I relate to the honu/turtle.  I see my healthy journey as an ongoing journey, not a sprint to the finish line.  I know so many people who sign up for a "weight loss" program.  They drop a lot of weight, only to gain it all back.  Heck, I am one of "those people", having done that very thing in the past.  So what?  Just keep going forward, remembering that slow and steady wins the race.  Keep going, do not ever give up.  Like the sacred honu, you are worth it!

Now, instead of sprinting, I am on a life journey.  Sure there will be ups and downs, but in the end I really believe that slow and steady will make me a winner.  A winner of a healthier body, a winner of a healthier outlook, a winner of a stronger spiritual self, a winner.  That is why I relate to the sacred honu.  I am like that turtle...deliberately taking the steps I need to take to move me forward in life.   ...and in the end, if I am valued by others, then that is icing on the cake!

Desire to continue moving forward in life.  Dedication to all that is sacred.  Discipline to keep on swimming. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Happy Summer Solstice!

It's hard to believe that the summer solstice has already come and gone.  It means we already had the longest day of the year! 

It is a great time of year to try to tap into the natural rhythms of the season.  Since the days are longer and lighter, it certainly can do away with the "I don't have time to exercise" excuse!  Since the weather is warmer, it can do away with the "it's too cold to go outside and exercise" excuse.  Since the summer fruits and vegetables are abundant it eliminates the excuse of "there isn't anything healthy to eat".

I have rediscovered a wonderful farm in San Diego called Chino Farms.  It is about 15 minutes from my house.  It is all organic.  I have been buying their Italian curly kale for my breakfast vege scramble.  It is delicious with fresh squash and egg whites and avocado.  I highly recommend it as a delicious breakfast to start your day.

So buy more fresh produce, get outside and exercise more and take advantage of more daylight to fit it all in!

Desire to enjoy summer.  Dedication to make breakfast everyday.  Discipline to exercise all summer long. 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

How Are You Paying It Forward?

At the beginning of the year I was searching for somewhere to apply my volunteer efforts for 2013.  I was fortunate to find the Veterans Association of North County (VANC) Career Transition Assistance Program (CTAP).  Every month there is a different class that meets twice a week on Monday and Wednesday.  I volunteer on Monday nights teaching classes and acting as a coach.  We help service men and service woman transitioning from military service into the civilian world.  It is really really satisfying to help these folks have a more successful journey, especially after they have served our country.

I participated in the attached video to help attract and recruit more coaches into the program.  I thought you might enjoy seeing it.  I hope it inspires you to find somewhere to volunteer and help others on their journey.  Full the risk of exposing my vanity.....I think some of the shots of me are quite good and others are just awful.....either way I hope it brings a smile to your face!

My volunteer energy is an important part of my healthy journey.  It provides perspective, it provides a strong sense of satisfaction and it keeps me grounded with the abundance in my life. 

Desire to give back to those who have given us so much.  Dedication to helping others.  Discipline to keep it on my calendar.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Get Up and Move Challenge

My company is very focused on wellness.  Wellness challenges are issued every other month.  If you choose to participate, you can earn points towards wellness rewards.  Wellness challenges so far have included Sugar Busters: no sugar for 20 out of 30 days and Hydration: drink at least 10 glasses of water each day, and others.

Last week we started a challenge called Get Up and Move.  The "challenge" is to be in motion for 600 minutes within 30 days.  That is only 20 minutes of motion each day.  It can be any type of exercise, walking, jogging, swimming, biking, cross trainer etc.  We can report up to a maximum of 90 minutes a day.  

It made me think about how much more exercise I do than, apparently, the average person.  In a typical week, I do 360 minutes a week which is 1,440 a month (I think my math is right).  What about you?

So, get up and move and contribute to your healthy journey!

Desire to move.  Dedication to move.  Discipline to move.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Eat What You Want!

Don't you love those infomercials just screaming at you from the TV to try a certain diet being sold and eat whatever you want!  No need to deny yourself your favorite food!  Don't change a thing!  Just do this (fill in the blank) and the weight will simply melt off your body!  It ranges from combining food a certain way to sprinkling some powder on your food, and a few other things in between.

Well, I for one, do not believe that there is a miracle food combination of magic powder that can make us reduce our body weight.

What I did do on Memorial Day, however, was to say to myself......Patty-you can have whatever you want to eat today!  Really, the sky was the limit, permission to eat and enjoy, guilt free, whatever I wanted on that holiday.  Want to know what happened? 

I wish I could say that I wasn't tempted by anything, but that would be a lie!  Instead, I roamed the aisles of my local grocery store looking at options.  Pancakes or waffles?  No thank you.  Ice cream?  No thank you.  Cakes or pies?  No thank you.  Chips, popcorn nachos?  No thank you.  French fries?  No thank you.  Pizza?  No thank you  Pastas and rice dishes?  No thank you.

It is funny what I did settle on.  I brought home a yummy whole grain baguette and a few cookies.  I toasted the baguette, shared it with my hubbie and had it with butter and honey.  Then I shared a few cookies with my hubbie. 

I was full and very satisfied.  Yes, I had enjoyed more calories than normal and enjoyed the carbs and sugar and I did it without going wild.  The day after Memorial Day I returned to my lean and greeen eating.

How do you enjoy your treats?  Are you mindful of what you select?  Do you grab the closest available treat without really giving it any thought?  I think it is worth it to be mindful of enjoying treats whenever we feel the need or desire to do so.

Desire to have a guilt free day off.  Dedication to figure out what will feed the hunger. Discipline to be mindful and thoughtful.


Monday, May 27, 2013

A Restorative Workout

My spectacular fantastic niece just finished up a post graduation visit to San Diego, her birth city.  She has just graduated from George Washington University. We had a wonderful visit with her.  She spent time with us, with her grandparents, aunts and uncles and a cousin. We did lots of workouts, beach, restaurants and shopping! 

I introduced her to restorative yoga.  She had begun practicing yoga during her senior year at GW.  Like everything else in her life, she enjoyed the "power" part of the vinyasa flow.  She commented that restorative yoga was wonderful because it gave her a chance to go slower, it gave her permission to slow down, it was OK to go slower.

It made me think how much of our lives are striving, pushing, running, seeking, go, go, go, faster, faster, faster......   There is actually great power in slowing down.  It is in those moments of quiet that you can really look inside yourself and see what needs or wants more attention and nurturing.  I often think that we schedule ourselves so much as a way of avoiding what really would benefit from our focus...that is ourselves.  Restorative yoga is a way of hitting your personal pause button and just taking a moment for YOU.  I love it.  My niece loves it.  I think you will too.

Desire to pause and reflect.  Dedication to YOU.   Discipline to just go slow.

Happy Memorial Day!

Friday, May 17, 2013


A good friend shared a new website with me.  It is the I.nternal A.cceptance M.ovement authored by Daniell.  You can visit her site at

Here is a recent post.  I found it to be very thouhgt provoking.  I hope you like it too!


1. Recognize that fat isn’t a feeling.
There are always underlying emotions that we attach to feeling fat. When the “I feel fat” thoughts start up, try to identify what you’re feeling underneath the body dissatisfaction. Are you feeling lonely? Anxious? Invisible? Scared? Ashamed? Inadequate? Whatever the feelings are recognize that they are separate from your body.

2. Treat yourself as you would a friend.
Because it’s difficult to be kind to ourselves in the moment when the body hating thoughts take over, try responding to your thoughts as if you were supporting a friend. What would you say to someone you loved who was battling your same struggle with body image?
You wouldn’t tell them to not eat for the day in order to compensate for what they ate the previous night. You wouldn’t tell them to punish themselves for their body size through over-exercise, self-harm, or abusive eating habits. You wouldn’t tell them they were worthless or unloveable because of their weight. So why do you tell yourself these things? Break the cycle and start treating yourself like a friend—you deserve that kindness and love from everyone, especially yourself.

3. Recognize that you are so much more than the size of your body.
What you look like does not define you. It doesn’t discount your worth as a human being. You are so much more than a number on the scale. As a living, breathing, feeling human being you have inherent value. You are special and important and loved. You exist and therefore you matter.
Your appearance is such a small part of who you are, and it certainly doesn’t warrant enough power to discount the person you are inside. You aren’t your body or your weight—you are your goals and dreams and passions and values. You are your strengths and talents and insight. You are a soul and a spirit and a force of nature. Your body does not define you.

4. Shift your focus from the external to the internal.

Make a list of all the people you look up to and are inspired by—not because of their weight or appearance, but because of who they are and what they do. Write out all the qualities they have that make you appreciate and value them.
Use the list as a reminder that it’s the internal things—our dreams and passions and goals and morals and insight and character—that truly define who we are and draw people to us; not how we look.
You are no exception to this. Try making your own list of things you like about yourself that have nothing to do with appearance or body size. If you have a difficult time creating one, ask some friends and family to help you.

5. Think about what you want to be remembered for after you die.
I don’t want people to remember me for what I looked like, what size jeans I wore, or what I weighed. I want to be remembered for the person I am. I want to be remembered as someone who brought about positive change in the world. I want to be remembered as loving friend, partner, and family member. I want to be remembered for my passions and my creativity and my strength. I want to be remembered as someone who made a difference. What do you want your legacy to be? Chances are, it doesn’t have to do with weight.

6. Instead of focusing on the size of your body, start focusing on what your body allows you to do.
The human body is an incredible force. When we get caught up in the number on the scale and size of clothes however, we forget just how lucky we are to have a fully functioning vehicle to engage in life with. So stop hating your body for the way it looks and start acknowledging and appreciating your body for all that it allows you to do.
Make a list of each activity and feat your body helps you to partake in and accomplish. If you want to be even more specific, list out each body part and describe all the things you wouldn’t be able to do without it. Your body is strong, powerful, and beautiful, regardless of it’s size. Choose to treat it with love, compassion, and gratitude instead of hate and judgement.

7. Challenge your negative thoughts.

You may not be able to change the way you feel about your body today, tomorrow, or a month from now, but you can begin the process by challenging the thoughts in the moment. Write out a dialogue between your negative voice and a healthy voice. If you have a hard time coming up with positive counters to the negative thoughts, pretend that you are speaking positively about a friend or loved one.
Even if you don’t believe the things you say to counter the voice, it’s still important to speak out against it, because each time you argue with the thoughts, you are taking away some of their power and reclaiming your own. The more you challenge the thoughts, the less you will believe them. The more you argue back, the easier fighting the voice will become.

8. Allow yourself to feel your feelings.
There is a lot of built up energy and emotion underlying the way we feel about our bodies. Holding in how we feel or engaging in behaviors to numb out may make us feel better in the moment, but in the long run, it doesn’t remedy the pain we feel. It doesn’t make us feel better and it keeps us stuck.
Releasing the energy and painful emotions underlying our body shame requires us to feel our feelings. Whether that means throwing a tantrum on the floor, venting to a friend on the phone, punching a pillow, screaming in your car, or crying in bed, you need to allow yourself to feel your feelings. Let go of the judgement you have about what you feel and recognize that you are feeling these things for a reason. Give yourself permission to release your emotions and let everything out.

9. Do self care.
When you’re struggling with body image, distract yourself with healthy coping mechanisms. Take a bubble bath, get a message, ask for a back scratch, cuddle with a pet, make plans with a supportive friend, watch your favorite movie, get a manicure, listening to calming music, do deep breathing—whatever it is, make sure it’s something self-soothing and helps you get out of your head.

10. Be kind with yourself.
You may not be able to control the way you feel about your body, but you can control what you do in response to how you feel.
Instead of beating yourself up, you can choose to treat yourself with compassion. Instead of engaging in unhealthy and abusive behaviors, you can choose to do self-care. Instead of treating your body as an enemy, you can choose to treat it as a friend. Instead of isolating yourself, you can choose to reach out for support and surround yourself with positive people who make you feel loved and accepted. Instead of agreeing with the negative thoughts, you can choose to challenge them.

Desire to keep learning.  Dedication to try new things.  Discipline to seek out new sources of inspiration.

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Different Celebration

A good friend of mine, Marshall Goldsmith, says that every day can be a special occassion, all we have to do is look for a reason to "celebrate" and we can find it.  I agree with him.

In my dedication to continue seeking a lower healthy body weight, I am in constant contact with opportunities to celebrate.  So I am trying a different approach.  Please read on.....

Saturday night was a graduation party fo rmy niece, jusr graduated from George Washington University (thank you very much!)  So at the party I skipped the crackers, passed on the pasta, said no to the garlic bread and wine, waved off the cake and ice cream and even denied the See's candy.  AND  I had a fun evening of celebration focusing on the graduate instead of the food.

Then on Sunday afternoon we celerated Mother's Day with a weinie roast on the beach.  Again, I focused on the love we all have for Mom and passed the chips, ate a naked weinie with no bun, avoided the brown rice salad, skipped wine and watched others eat a special cake in celebration of Mom. 

I am sure I avoided over 2,000 calories and I thoroughly enjoyed each celebration.  Of course, I will indulge again, but just not for every holiday and celebration that comes along.

Desire to celebrate.  Dedication to my plan.  Discipline to make continuing healthy choices.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Happy Tuesday!

We spent the weekend on Catalina island where Allen played in a rugby tournament all day Saturday.  He played in 4 games and scored a try!  He was so happy!  In one of the games, for "the old guys" Allen (in his 50's) was the youngest player.  The oldest player was 72!!!  Granted he did not play the whole meet, but he was out there tossing the ball and having fun.

It was certainly inspirational to be around so many people being active, having fun and enjoying a beautiful day outdoors.

Is there something you enjoy doing outdoors that can add value to you healthy journey?

Desire to have fun while being active.  Dedication to staying young.  Discipline to keep going.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

We're Walkng, We're Walking.....

We flew east to visit our niece who is graduating from George Washington University in 2 weeks.  She is an amazing young woman who off to a great start in life.  We are so proud of her!!!

At the same time we intersected with another amazing woman, our friend Admiral Allie.  She gave us all a tour of the Pentagon (her office), where we walked on every level, saw fantastic corridors filled with amazing art, saw the famed purple fountain in the basement and finished our (5 mile) tour at the 9/11 Memorial outside of the Pentagon.  It was a very special day filled with love, friendship and walking!

The next day we walked from our hotel to breakfast, then to the Lincoln Memorial, past the Korean Memorial, to the MLK Jr. Memorial, to the WWI Memorial, the the WWII Memorial, past the Washington monument (closed for reno) and ended up a the Air and Space Museum, where my niece is a tour guide.  After walking through the museum, we finally got to sit down and have something to drink.  AHHHHHH, it felt great on my feet!

We cabbed to dinner but then walked to the Metro to get home, and walked from the Metro to where we were staying.

Lots of walking during our little trip.  I highly recommend walking as a way of burning calories on vacation trips!!! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Why is Discipline a Bad Word?

First of all, I want to express my deepest gratitude for a few things:  1) Sarah is safe.  She is a member of our community who lives in Boston and she is safe.  2) Next, words cannot express enough gratitude for all the real life heros, both in uniform and out, who did whatever they could to help people in need and to capture the ones who committed the atrocity on Patriot's Day aka marathon day.  3) Gratitude goes out to all Bostonians everywhere who have banned together to "take back their city".  There have been so many examples of the strength and passion of the people of Boston.  Finally, a moment of prayer for those who lost their lives and who will have to battle back from unimaginable injuries.  May God bless them now and always. 

Now, to my topic today - discipline.  Amidst all the horrors in Boston and west Texas, life for many of us continued as planned.  One example of that is our nephew, Tyler.  He graudated from Army basic training on Thursday.  We are all very proud of him!  His journey inspired my topic today.  He is a wonderful boy from a wonderful family with two loving parents and 2 loving siblings.  With everything in his life, he graduated high school, went to his first year of college and did not meet with success.  In fact, he dropped out due to poor grades.  He decided that instead of trying college, he wanted to join the Army as a bottom of the barrel "grunt".  And he has blossomed, flourished and is happier that he has ever been!  We could not be more proud of him!

What happened to turn him around? One word - discipline.  I am of the belief that discipline gets a bad rap.  Many people do not like the idea of discipline.  They see it as a negative, an imposition.  And yet, discipline is the reason why many children succeed and others fail.  Kids like to know their boundaries.  It feels good to kids to know what their schedule is, when dinner is served, how much homework has to be done before they can play outside.

Are we adults that different?  NO!  Our bodies and minds respond well to structure, schedules and, yes, discipline.  Having positive daily habits, scheduled workouts, meal planning for healthy choices, is all part of a disciplined way of life that can help lead us to a healthier journey. 

Of course there are times we want to bust out and be spontaneous, do things out of the norm.  Hurray, don't stop that!  But if you are struggling to get to a lower healthier weight (is that all of us????), if you want to incoporate more exercise for stronger bones, lungs and heart, if you want to establish a better schedule to get more restorative sleep.....just engage with the big "D"-DISCIPLINE! 

Desire to make freinds with the big D.  Dedication to knowing what you need for heath.  Discipline to be disciplined with your healthy habits.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Shellseekers Unite!

In our quest for health, it is so easy to forget about having fun.  Today, as we were walking on the beach, we were absolutely delighted as we watched 3 little kids running into the surf and screaming at the tops of their lungs with glee as the waves "caught" them and they ran back to the sand. 

Allen and I both reminisced about being that age and playing with the waves too.  Can you remember the sheer joy of being at the beach and running around until you just dropped?  I don't know about you but I was always the last one out of the water, swimming until the very last minute that Mom or Dad declared it was time to go!

So, as we walked the sand, I just enjoyed the fun of being at the beach, not worrying about if I was going fast enough.  If I saw a pretty shell, I simply squatted down to pick it up without thinking about "doing another squat".  It was SO NICE to just have fun at the beach. 

The next time you go to the beach, a park or go on a walk, why don't you focus on just having fun!

Desire to have fun.  Dedication to focus on the sheer joy of living.  Discipline to let go of anything that gets in the way. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Happy 200!

Last week was my 200th post!  Thank you for reading what I share and allowing me to get to 200!  Now, I know in the blogosphere that 200 is a small number, but it has meaning to me.  And, if you have been with me for any time at all, then you know that I celebrate small milestones as well as the big ones!  So.....virtual celebration!!!  Can you see the balloons and confetti???  Hooray!

I am a few days late this week because I worked this weekend.  I was a speaker yesterday at the Sales 2.0 conference in San Franciso.  I traveled up Sunday morning to attend speakers meetings and to be in place for the speakers dinner on Sunday eve.

I am pleased to report that last week, I fasted on Monday.  Actually, I told myself that I would eat if I was hungry.  Following the Easter's indulgence, I was not hungry one bit.  So I drank water.  Then on Tuesday-Thursday, I did the Jay Robb protein and fruit flush.  It was a good way to get back on the track of being very mindful of what you put in your mouth.  Of course, it also represents calorie restriction. 

Then I maintained great nutrition and exercise in San FRancisco, when all around me was ample temptation to consume extra calories. 

So I am reporting in that I feel good, dropped a pound last week and feeling strong.

How are you doing on your "spring cleaning" efforts?

Desire to clean out what no longer serves my health.  Dedication to be kind to myself.  Discipline to JUST SAY NO THANK YOU!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter and Passover!

Spiritually it is a time for celebrations plus spring is a time for renewal.  So, in addition to all of the special food celebrations that we are sure to enjoy.....why not think about what steps you are going to take to renew your body, mind and spirit this year?

I was talking to a girlfriend this morning who is ready to make some changes with an eye towards shedding 20 pounds.  She said she had seen a show about a couple who had dropped 500 pounds together.  The husband lost 300 and the wife lost 200 over a period of 2 years.  So she decided, what the heck, if they can do that, then I can let go of my 20 extra pounds.

I say "go for it"!  In fact, I am going to renew my devotion to a lower weight too. My renewal begins the day after Easter.  I will double down on my efforts and keep you updated.

Desire to renew a healthy devotion.  Dedication to helping others reach their goals.  Discipline to let go of the weight.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Thank You Deepak!

Do you enjoy listening to Deepak? I do. I find his voice soothing, his insights thoughtful and many of his recommendations very helpful.

Periodically, he teams up with Oprah to offer a free 21 day meditation journey. Today marks day 14 of this series. If you want to access it and catch up, just go to:

I find it very interesting that the topics for this series are: The Journey to Perfect Health, The Nature of Perfect Health, The Intuition of Your Body, The Wisdom of Your Body, The Rhythm of Your Mind-Body, The Perfection of Your Body, Honoring Your Body, Restoring Balance, Creating Balance, Breathing for Balance, Eating for Balance, Connecting for Balance, Moving for Balance and The Balance in Silence.

It is easy to see the theme weaving its way through this series.....BALANCE!!!! Balance is one of my favorite topics. I seek it in the way I live, how I breathe and in just about everything I do. Am I eating in the best way that will serve my body and mind? Am I allowing myself an occasional treat to avoid the sense of being denied? Is my nutrition in balance?

Am I exercising enough? Am I getting enough rest? Is my physical body challenged enough while giving it enough time to recover?

Am I enjoying the happiness of my life while allowing any sadness that I need to feel?

Am I challenged enough in my work to keep the best part of my brain engaged? Do I allow myself enough mental breaks to let go of the logical execution driven left brain to allow my creative right brain to stay flexible and fly free?

Please check out the daily meditation series. I predict you will really enjoy it!!!
Desire to find balance. Dedication to honor both sides of life. Discipline to include meditation in my balanced day.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Glorious Glorious Sunday!

Ever had one of those Sundays where it was absolute perfection?  That describes my day today!  A nice little sleep in with the most perfect husband on the planet, a nice long beach walk in Carlsbad (a few communities north of us), the skies went from overcast to brilliant sunshine during our walk exploring unfamiliar neighborhoods, followed by a yummy healthy breakfast outside overlooking the ocean, topped off by a nice long soak with the latest Coastal Living magazine and a nap.....

I am a simple person.....I love today!!!

So my glorious Sunday followed an amazing Saturday.  I had a full day planned with a dear friend who cancelled at the last minute due to illness.  So, I had a full day, after my workouts of course, open in front of me.  Believe me, that is a rarity for me.  So, at the last minute, I scooped up my Mom and we dropped in on the La Costa Spa (about 3 miles from my house) for some amazing last minute spa treatments.  AAAAHHHHHAAAA!  Afterwards, I did grocery shopping then came home and made a delicious healthy dinner for us.

What does all this have to do with my healthy journey, you might ask?  Well, this weekend I believe the universe has surrounded me with an amazing energy to pause, relax, slow down and enjoy life.

I am filled with gratitude.

Desire to just slow down sometimes.  Dedication to share the joy with others.  Discipline to recognize the opportunity to pause.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I Am in Awe!......

.......of my trainer Kathi!  A huge shout out to her.  She ran the San Diego half marathon today and averaged a 9 minute mile throughout!  I can't even imagine!  She is 52 and a great inspiration.  This summer she will complete her 7th Ironman competition at the Sonoma race. 

What did you do today???

Next, great news from my doctor!  The biopsy came back and it is just a pre-cancer site.  I will not need Mohs surgery on the site!  Hurray!  They will freeze the area to get all the pre-cancer cells, and that is so much easier than the actual surgery.

My juicing continue to help heal the site fully.  This means I have lots of pulp everyday from my veges and fruits.  So, I just made my hubbie oatmeal cookies with leftover carrot and apple pulp added in to the recipe.  He says they are delicious!  Tonight I am making a meatloaf with 99% lean ground turkey and I will add in the pulp from swiss chard, spinach, celery and brocolli. 

Last week we had tomato soup with lots of the green pulp in it and it was like a deilcious vege soup.  Sprinkle a little parmesan on top and YUM-O!

Finally, for this week, I am down 7 pounds since the beginning of the year.  For me, that means I shed my holiday poundage and am now going for the next 10.  Wish me luck.

Desire to celebrate Kathi's amazing accomplishments.  Dedication to making my hubbie smile with healthy treats.  Discipline to use the pulp and not waste good nutrients.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Yummy Juicy Juicing!

I had put my juicer away for quite some time.  I pulled it out Friday evening. Here's why....

 I had another biopsy on my face.  Of course, I hope it comes back as nothing.  I will know within 2 weeks time.  About 2 years ago I had a skin cancer removed from my face, right above my lip on the right side.  It wasn't the end of the world, but it was a little traumatic for usre. I am lucky because I have a very skilled board certified plastic surgeon who is also my dermatologist.  So I had excellent medical care.  Still, I am a vain woman and was not looking forward to having a bad scar.  Research tells us that the health benefits of juicing can fill a big book.  Apparently our skin reacts really well to all the nutrients packed into fresh yummy frothy organic juice.  The last time I went through this I incorporated juicing everyday and my surgeon said she had never seen anyone heal as fast and as well as I did. 

So, I am going to replace 2 of my meals with a nice big glass of freshly juiced juice.  I am going to imagine all of those delicious nutrients making a bee line right for my right eyebrow, where the biopsy was.  Lots of nutrient rich cells rushing to heal the affected site!

The Jack LaLane juicer works so well, is easy to use and easy to clean.  I hope you will join me in juicing for more health.  Let me know if you have any favorite juicing combinations  I will try them for sure!

Desire to heal well and thoroughly.  Dedication to using the juicer.  Discipline to keeping lots of fresh organic fruits and veges stocked in the crisper.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Just When You Thought......

I worked out with my trainer, Kathi, this morning.  I started out on the cross trainer for 40 minutes to warm up and get a little sweat going.  Then Kathi put me through my paces for about 45 minutes.  I am still only doing lower body and abs.  I am rehabbing my elbow tendonitis.  It is slowly getting better.  It takes a lot of patience...I haven't lifted a weight in 5 weeks!!!!

But I digress......just when I thought I had done every ab exercise variation known to human kind, I learned I was wrong! 

This morning, Kathi had me do a new ab!  Try this one - lay on your back, both legs straight out in front of you.  Keep your hands by your side,  Lift your head and shoulders so you feel a good amount of tension in your upper abs.  Then keeping your legs straight, lift both legs off the floor about 6 inches.  Then lift one leg up and down from 6 inches off the floor to about 12 inches off the floor.  Do 15 reps with one leg, then switch.  Keep your head and shoulders up and tension in your upper abs the whole time you are lifting and lowering your legs.

It was awesome and quite challenging!  Try'll like it!

Desire to keep being challenged.  Dedication to our exercise.  Discipline to keep your head and shoulders off the ground through the whole ab series.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Searching for Unclaimed Treasure

A good friend of mine showed me where to look online to fine unclaimed property that the goverment is holding.  So, I went online and found that I am owed $4.65!  Of course, that is a very small amount (I am still submitting to received it for just the price of a stamp) but at least I can buy a cup of Starbucks when I get the check.  :-)

I kept looking and found $300 for my parents, $50 for my sister and almost $1,000 for one of my brothers. For another brother, I found $.04.....sorry JR!

It dawned on me that this could be a parallel for finding unclaimed treasure on our healthy journey.  So, today during my yoga practice, I took the time to really look inside to see what I could find.  Amazing what you can see when you pause long enough to look.  I found that I am continuing to fall deeper in love with myself, even at the age where I find myself today.  In fact, I think we have to travel to where we are to find ourselves, where we are. 

The journey inside is even richer and more worthwhile than the external journey we are on.  The deeper we travel within, the greater the riches we can find.  I hope you spend time to look inside and really appreciate your fullness, the light you bring to this world, the kindness you share with others, the richness of the depth of your goodness.  Now, fall in love all over again with yourself and share that love with others.

Desire to travel to the inner beauty.  Dedication to appreciate what you find.  Discipline to pause long enough to go within.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

New Scenery Is Invigorating!

Instead of the gym this morning, hubbie and I drove over to Coronado and parked at Fiddlers Cove, then walked south for 2 miles on the Silver Strand, before turning around.  It was a beautiful sunny windy morning with the spectacular pacific ocean on our right and the glorious San Diego bay on our

For those of you who do not know the Silver Strand, it is a a narrow piece of land that connects Coronado "island" (really an isthmus) to the southern most part of San Diego county (right next to Mexico), called Imperial Beach.  When it was developed/paved, some brilliant forward thinking person created a nice wide path completely out of the traffic for pedestrians/bikes/roller bladers.  It is so wonderful to be able to exercise surrounded by such beauty, fresh air and unending views. 

The view of Point Loma to the west and north was amazing because it was crystal clear and you could see both lighthouses, the one at the bottom of the point and the old preserved one at the top of the point.  STUNNING!!!

We walked 4.2 miles in an hour, a respectable time to be sure.  I am sure we accomplished our goal of healthy cardiovascular exercise.  I know it was healthier to be out in the fresh air instead of the gym.  I feel invigorated and motivated to return again soon for a repeat, maybe going a lot further on a bike ride next time.

Why not grab your Valentine and find some new scenery and breathe in the fresh air and new perspective!

Desire to breathe deeply.  Dedication to seek out inspiring new scenery.  Discipline to go at least an hour.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl Sunday!

Did everyone get out to do their morning exercise so that you can enjoy this silly day guilt free?  I heard a statistic that more avocados are consumed on Super Bowl Sunday than any other day of the year.  Presumably this is because of all the guacamole. 

We are one of the few guacamole free households today!  We have just returned from a wonderful weekend in Santa Barbara where I had a few treats (really, just a few) so we are not going "big" to watch the game.  In fact, I have just settled in with a glass of iced decaf coffee, with some almond silk and stevia to sweeten it.  Along side I am going to enjoy some soy crisps...yummy!  Since I don't care about the game, my plan is to do yoga while the game is on and then watch the commercials and the half time show!

So, that is how we roll with it in my house.  I hope whatever you are doing, you are having fun, enjoying yourself and doing something that serves you!

Desire to enjoy life.  Dedication to honoring your needs.Disciplne to moderate indulgence with deprivation.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Girls on the Run

I had an awesome experience yesterday, Saturday.  I was volunteering for an organization called Girsl on the Run San Diego.  I was asked to faciltate their annual Board meeting and I had a very impactful day!

GOTRSD is an organization that advocates for and teaches young girls self-esteem, character building and teamwork.  They do it through running programs.  I was bowled over by the passion of the Board and their commitment to helping young girls get a strong start in life.

There was a great discussion about the generational ripple effect of helping one young girl today and how she could carry the positive effects of that forward in her life to influence others.

I reflected on our healthy journey and how important it is to reach out to young girls, and boys too, to help them form healthy habits early in life that will help serve them forever. 

Desire to help young kids believe in themselves.  Dedication to doing whatever we can to help them get a good start.  Discipline to apply the same self-esteem and self- respect to ourselves.  

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Mick Jagger had it all wrong when he sang - I can't get no.....satisfaction.   We can get all the satisfaction we want, all we have to do is plan for it and go get it!

Sooooo, I am dealing with tendonitis of my left elbow.  It is frustrating because, in order to heal it, I need to really limit using it.  This means my workouts are restricted to lower body cardio and weight and abs.  For at least another 2 weeks!

I am treating the injury with homeopathy and acupuncture.  Traditional medicine wants me to take anti-inflammatory drugs and even steroid shots.  No thank you.

This is all leading up to a big A-HA moment I experienced at my acupuncture appointment.  As I lay there on the table receiving the treatment, I was re-playing what had happened in the preceeding months that could have contributed to the injury.  It dawned on me that in the last 6 months I had gone from 2 weight training sessions a week to 3 a week. 

Guess what - tendonitis is generally attributed to over use......I think I did this to myself in an effort to become stronger and more fit.  So, when I am healed, I will throttle back to just 2 hours of weight training a week. 

Guess what #2 - too much of a good thing is just too much! 

Guess what #3 - I think God put this in my path to help me focus on tuning into what my body really needs, which for me is balance between working out really hard and resting very intentionally!

What do you need to tune into to help you progress on your healthy journey?

Desire to heal completely.  Dedication finding satisfaction.  Discipline to rest when needed.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Here, There and Everywhere

This morning I went to a local beach for a walk, called Swami's.  It was blindingly beautiful this morning.  The tide was so high that the bottom of the staircase leading to the beach was underwater.  The surf was really high.  The sun was brilliant.  The temperature was brisk.  It was a spectacular morning.  I had a great walk and did all five staircases, each one has over 105 stairs.  The bottom of each one was underwater, which is a rare site to see.  It was a very cool workout!

So, ever since the first of the year, everyone is talking about their favorite approach to losing weight and getting healthier, hence my title, here, there and everywhere.  One person is focused on low carb, including a square of 85% dark chocolate every night.  Another person is doing a 21 day raw vegan cleanse.  Still another person paid $800 to join Medifast.  And of course, I have gone lean and green.

I actually don't think it matters what someone chooses to do, as long as you find something that works for you.  And I think it is important to stay true to yourself and keep trying.  We are all on a lifelong healthy journey.  Getting to a healthier weight, staying at a healthier weight, not giving up when you back slide a little.  When you fall off the horse, you have to get right back on.  Really, please keep trying because you are worth it.  No oneis more worth your best efforts to be healthy than you are! 

I am so excited that I wake up in the morning with another opportunity to do my best, to be my best to possibly help others to be their best.  I hope you are grateful and excited too!

Desire to be my best.  Dedication to be my best. Discipline to invest my best in me.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Old Friends and Good Times!

We had dear friends stay with us this weekend AND I did it!  I stayed on track!  I did my workouts!  I cooked healthy!  I ate healthy!  I am proud of myself!

Entertaining friends is a powerful trigger to stray off plan.  I vowed this weekend to be true to myself.  Hurray!

I invited my girlfriend to the gym with me where we did cardio and worked with my trainer togther with weight training.  Then we went to Starbucks for a treat.  I had a small nonfat sugar free decaf latte, about 100 calories.

Then we had lunch at the beach.  I had a nicoise salad with no dressing.  Then we hung out in the back yard sunshine.  Everyone else was sipping (drinking) their favorite adult beverage while I drank mineral water (zero calories).  I ate carrots while they noshed cheese and nuts.

I cooked a dinner of roasted root veges and oven roasted salmon with s side of tossed green salad.  They drank wine while I drank water.  Desert was fresh blueberries and strawberries.  I had mine plain while they drizzled liquor on their.

I am not trying to sound sanctimonious, just trying to reinforce a point to myself, and to you, that we can do anything we set our minds to.

How are you doing with your intentions?  My yoga teacher, Judy, asked me - in one word, how would you sum up your desire for 2013?  I thought about it and said "Lighter".  I want to be lighter physically and I want to lighten up mentally, not be as intense about things as I can be, 

What is your word?

Desire to be lighter.  Discipline to do lighter things.  Dedication to love a lighter life.