Sunday, October 6, 2013

Our Future Is Bright!

Yesterday, Allen and I hung out with Emily, one of our nieces.  She is a recent college graduate, who moved from Wisconsin to San Diego to begin her professional life.  When I think about her energy, enthusiasm, passion and commitment to her values, I smile and thing our future is bright!  So many of our nieces, nephews and children of our friends are in exactly the same category.  I am filled with pride when I think of all of them!!!

We had so much fun with Emily, just talking, joking, sharing stories, eating dinner and ending up in the Jacuzzi.  Everything is new, bright and shiny through her eyes.  First "real" job, first car, etc. etc.  Allen said he could tell that I like being around her and our other nieces too.  He is right.  I feel honored to have the chance to help influence their healthy happy journeys.  I am humbled by their intelligence and beauty.  I wonder, did I have as much composure when I was 23?  I doubt it!  Did I know as much about nutrition and movement at 23?  I don't think so.  The "Emilys" in my life seem so much better connected and informed than I was at 23.  Of course, when I was 23, the internet had not even been invented!  Literally.  :-)

When I listen to the news, I can get down about all the issues and problems in our world.  Instead, I choose to focus my energy on the promise of a better future because of all of the positive bright young minds who are just beginning.  We have every reason to stay motivated and healthy to help others shape a better future.  Our future really is bright.

Desire to help shape and influence for a healthy happy journey.  Dedication to be there for others.  Discipline to stay a positive role model.

1 comment:

  1. Best start to a Birthday Month! I love focusing on what's good & right in the world! Thanks, Patty!
