Sunday, September 22, 2013

Control, Alt, Delete

You know how you hit control, alt, delete to reset your computer?  Well, this weekend the universe conspired to let me do just that.  I have been going at such a crazy packed pace that I could feel the stress in my body building up. 

We had another very full weekend planned for yesterday and today, but things happened and we ended up cancelling everything and just staying home together.  We have slept, walked, slept, watched a movie and slept some more.  It feels like I/we (Allen and I) hit our own control, alt, delete.  I feels like I am positioned well to jump back into the proverbial deep end.

Try it yourself.  It may help bring peace, calm and focus.  We need all three of those as we travel our healthy journey through life, don't we?

One more thought this morning that I would like to put out an article about Tom Hanks and a movie he made about the ship captain who was held hostage by Somalia pirates......the author wrote this......the man who was captured and held hostage is called a hero.  He does not like that label.  He said it is simple, nothing is over until you give up.  And he was not willing to give up.

That comment landed in my brain and made me think hard about my healthy journey.  Sometimes it feels like I am being held hostage by the need to continually focus on shedding weight.  But, you know what?  I am not ever giving up either.  I will continue to strive towards a healthy and healthier me as I move through this world because I am worth it.  Are you with me??????

Desire to reset the physical computer.  Dedication to continued focus.  Discipline to cancel everything when it is necessary.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea that human, as well as electronics can do a "Ctrl/Alt/Del" LOL Happy to hear how successful you found it to be!
