I am sitting with my husband this morning completely overwhelmed with gratitude for all of the blessings in my life. He is hooked up to a cryo therapy (ice) machine that is accelerating his healing from knee surgery yesterday. He had a meniscus tear repaired. He is doing fabulously! I am so grateful for so many things.
First of all, for his strong baseline health. He takes very good care of himself and is strong and healthy. So, even though he tore his meniscus, he is in awesome shape.
Next for the fact that we have good health insurance and can select the finest surgeon to fix his knee. Thank you Dr. Tallman.
Next, for my Mom, who sat with me during his surgery. It was so nice to have her company!
Next, for my sister who provided healing homeopathic therapy to speed his healing process.
Next, for the abundance in our lives so that we can afford to buy the cryo therapy machine, which is not covered by insurance, but is considered to be the gold standard in rehab therapy.
Next, for my parents who made Allen his favorite meal, homemade pasta, so he could enjoy it as soon as he was home and propped up for healing.
Next, for the healing love in the Christmas cookies Mom and Dad brought him for further "pain: medication!
Next, that I work for a company who is happy to give me a few days off so I can be by Allen's side during his initial healing.
I hope that all of you will sit in gratitude and count your many blessing. It sure is a good time of year to do just that!
Desire to act with gratitude. Dedication to count our blessings. Discipline to be sure to thank our loved one for all they do.
Gratitude is, indeed a powerful healer! Thanks, Patty!