Saturday, August 3, 2013

Family, Family and More Family

Here we are at the end of another week filled with family and fun. I have managed to keep up with my work schedule, my workouts and family visits every evening!  I am exhausted and happy and looking forward to next week when all I have to do is go to work and work out!

We have one more big day of family.  Tomorrow we are hosting my Dad's 85th birthday party.  I am so grateful that we are close enough, emotionally and geographically, to share this day with him, Mom, sis, brother and girlfriend, nephew and girlfriend and mother-in-law plus her husband. 

So, I am going to keep this super brief 'cuz I know you will understand when I say that I have much to do to prepare for the party tomorrow.

I hope you are enjoying a fun summer week filled with family, fun and health!

Desire to hold family close.  Dedication to enjoy summer.  Discipline to keep it healthy.

1 comment:

  1. Your Birthday Party was grrrreat! Perfect setting, food & wine, company, conversation & cake!
