Isn't part of our healthy journey enjoying experiences that come our way? Well, last Wednesday I had an incredible, completely unexpected experience to share with you!
I was on a quick business trip to Salt Lake City. I had the great good fortune to stay with a dear dear friend who lives in Park City. She is a big basketball fan and has season tickets to the Utah Jazz games. She generously invited me to the game on Wednesday night! It was quite an experience, not only because I was with a dear loving friend, BUT.......wait for it.........her tickets are on the freaking floor!!! There I was sitting next to the very large basketball players, watching them run up and down the court, up close and personal! It was a blast! I rarely attend live professional sports and I had never had seats on the floors (think Jack Nicholson and the Lakers) before!
So, I am very grateful to have been there, with Amy, in such rarified air! We sipped diet coke, did not eat any of the available food. We had been to dinner earlier and eaten quite healthy. It was more than enough to just enjoy the experience.
So, as Hannukah comes to a close and Christmas looms near, please enjoy all of the experiences that come your way. This season is about gratitude and sharing time with loved one, I think much moreso than shopping at the mall, eating lots of fattening foods, over indulging in special drinks, etc.
Desire to be here now. Dedication to practice gratitude for the massive blessings in our lives. Discipline to maintain not gain, this season!
Funny...I'm wondering; "Who won the game?" Hahahaha! And how did you resist taking any pics??? (Workin' at maintaining one's "cool on the floor") Sounds like a really great adventure! Thanks for sharing!