Sunday, October 7, 2012

A New Year, A New Number

When I go to the gym today (right after posting this message to you), it will be the last day of being the age I am today.  Tomorrow when I climb onto my cardio machine of choice, I will enter a new number when the machine prompts me to enter my personal data (age and weight) to calculate the calorie burn.  For some reason, this ritual, above all others, sticks with me and makes me reflect on that passage of time.

I guess I don't have to enter it correctly, or at all for that matter.  But, in the end, it is just a number and one I am quite grateful for!  After all, according to Madame O (Oprah), I am just in my 30's!  Remember when she declared that 50 is the new 30?  Well, I am choosing to embrace that mentality! 

Our healthy journey should include time for reflection and the opportunity to frame our abundance in whatever way works for each of us.  So, in honor of my birthday this year, would you please pause and reflect on the abundance in your life and frame it in a way that makes you smile, dance and sing from your heart!  THANK YOU!  BEST PRESENT EVER!!!

Desire to smile, dance and sing.  Dedication to share life with loved ones. Discipline to practice frequent gratitude.

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