Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year - A Fresh Renewal - An Awesome Opportunity!

Happy New Year 2012 and welcome to the latest chapter of your (and my) healthy journey.  There is something so inspiring about the first day of the year!  It is a fresh new canvas upon which we can paint our personal picture.  We have the freedom to create whatever we want to create. 

So many newscasters and newspaper articles are reporting on the top 5 resolutions, the top 5 ways to live a better life, the top 5 this and the top 5 that.  Well, I say, don't do what they say, instead go within yourself and figure out your path to your healthy journey 2012! 

Let's be honest, it is not always easy to make healthy choices.  It is always POSSIBLE but it is not always easy!  So, as you design your journey, make sure it is filled with personal motivation and personal meaning so you can stick with it, especially when the going gets tough!

What is your motivation?  To lower your cholesterol score?  To control your sugar level?  To control your blood pressure?  To fit into a smaller size?  To live longer than a parent who you lost?  Figure it out, and make it real for you.....find a way to keep your personal motivation accessible so that it is always there to guide you on your journey.

Desire to write your own story.  Dedication to embracing your personal journey.  Discipline to find your motivation and stick with it.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE these three D's to start the New Year! Thanks, Patty!
