As much as I enjoyed all my holiday treats, it is nice to be back to my focused healthy eating and movement approach to life! I am focusing on vegetables, fresh tangerines, blueberries and gala apples! I keep trying new juice combos - have you tried beet, celery and cucumber? Delicious! Tangerine, spinach and celery? Amazing!
I am loving focusing on my fitness. My face is continuing to heal well. I am excited to meet my final goal in 2011. It is great to be back, focused and moving forward!
I hope your year is off to a good start too. This time of year, everywhere we turn, we see articles about nutrition, cooking shows about light and healthy cooking, TV ads about a new piece of fitness equipment and so much more. So, it is a good time to jump on the band wagon, dive into the deep end, take that first step and do whatever it takes to get started (and/or recommit to your continuing efforts) on your healthy journey.
Drop me a comment and let me know how you are doing!
Horrified to see that I gained 4 effin pounds! I am trying to get back on the wagon. Been juicinf, trying to stay away from red meat ( tough for me) and stay with chicken fish and veggies. I am going to try one or two veggie only days each week. Drinking Bolthouse green goodness when I can't juice. Thanks for all the ideas and encouraging words patty