Sunday, October 10, 2010

Congratulations and Best Wishes!

A member of our community, Sarah, married her longtime sweetheart last weekend! She posted photos on Facebook and she looked positively radiant! I just wanted her to know that we are out here taking great joy in her happiness!

I am celebrating my birthday this weekend and having a ball! Yes, I have indulged in treats, and yes, I worked out for 2 hours today. I hope to break even on the input and output of energy! But I think it is so important to celebrate life's big moments! The celebration has not only been about food, in fact, it has centered on being with loved ones and sharing special moments! So far I have celebrated with my husband, parents, siblings, in-laws, nieces and nephews and dear friends....that's mucho celebration! I am immensely blessed and have enjoyed every hug, every song and every tasty morsel that has passed these lips! THANK YOU!

Desire to celebrate life, dedication to family and friends and discipline to know when to indulge and when to stop!!!


  1. Thanks Patty! You are remarkable, and continue to inspire me to make healthy choices! To be honest, there was some mixed feelings on my part about being married at age 35 when I can already see some evidence of aging... our culture makes it so difficult to age gracefully! I didn't lose as much as I would have liked before the wedding, but I did the very best I could and I couldn't kick myself for that. I gave myself a couple weeks off to relax about food and exercise, but am back at it on Monday (I joined the gym where I was doing a trial membership before). - sarah

  2. You look amazing! Beautiful! Radiant! Loved and in love! Nothing is better! Good for you for getting right back to your fitness activities! I believe it is completely important to do exactly what you did, that is,take time off to celebrate and then get back to your program. What better time to celebrate that pre-wedding, wedding and honeymoon celebration!

    SCREW the focus on societal youth orientation! Guess what??? You are young! Embrace it because it flies by faster than you can believe! Now go kiss your handsome husband!
