Monday, February 1, 2010

How to Not Emotioally Eat at a Funeral

Hello! I am back from my Grandmother's funeral in northern Georgia. Talk about a hot bed of opportunitites for emotional eating????!!!!

The one I will share with you was the day of the funeral itself. We had to get up very early to be at the funeral home. Then we went as a group to a diner for breakfast. It was right out of a movie...we were all dressed in "church" clothes. It was a Saturday morning at about 8:30. We pulled off of a rural highway into a place that looked open and the 6 of us walked into the diner. Conversation stopped and everyone stared at the "Yankees' who walked in. It was hysterical! The folks in my group orderded cinamom buns, and typical breakast fare. I asked for 3 egg whites scrambled dry. The waitress ( very nice woman) told me it came with toast and grits. I asked how they prepared the grits. She looked at me as if I were from Mars. So I asked if they used butter, cheese, etc. She said "no, we boyl (boil) them in water. So I tried the grits. They were good. I then asked for decaf coffee and did she have anything other than the cream (in the little silver pitcher on the table) for the coffee? She said, we have half and half. I asked further - what about non-fat milk? She said I think we have some 2% way in the back. By this time the others in my group were literally cracking up.

But I had a relatively healthy breakfast and escaped with just one bite of a cinnamom roll.

I was glad I had almonds in my purse to tide me over because at the post-funeral gathering at my aunt's house, they served lasagna, garlic bread, salad drenched in dressing and lots of cookies for desert. I managed to avoid it all! I felt good about that!

This morning I am going to Dallas for a business trip. Send me strength for another strong week!

Desire, dedication and disciple.....get's you through.....

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha! It was an "Easy-Rider-kind-of" breakfast order! And I love that the buns were cinna-"mom" buns! Telling how connected food/love/family is most all of the time!
