Friday, February 26, 2010

Darn That Soup!

Every Thursday in my company cafeteria, a delicious tomato soup is served. I love tomato soup so I have been ordering it almost weekly. This week I decided to went something like this....."just checking to make sure that you don't use something like heavy cream in this soup???"

Well, you can see where this is going....the answer was YES, in fact, they do use heavy cream in the soup. I guess that is why it tastes so damn good! So I will no longer order it. A co-worker asked me "why" and I said I was re-focusing my efforts to clean up my diet. They said - "how much cleaner can your diet be????" Obviously, I found something to clean up! I DON'T NEED CREAM IN MY SOUP!!!!

So, I encourage you to do the same thing, keep asking questions and looking for ways to ensure your nutritional intake is where you want it to be and that you eliminate any hidden pieces that could be holding you back!

Happy Friday! Desire, dedication and discipline to seek out and destroy nutritional speed bumps!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Perspective Please

My sister, Joy, is doing God's work and caring for a friend who is just home from the hospital following a double mastectomy. As I was reflecting on my last post about gaining a few pounds, I was struck by my own need to keep a perspective in my journey.

I am praying for my sister's friend-that she may have a full and complete recovery from her ordeal. Hell, let's be honest, I all I need to do is to keep losing weight! I would rather carry my burden any day of the year!!!

So, as I face this week, I am happy to report that the extra pounds fell off over the last 2 days and I am re-doubling my efforts to continue, happily and with a smile on my face and in my heart, towards reaching my 2010 goal.

Let's save our frustrations for the things that really matter in life and, instead, let's celebrate all that is right and blessed with our worlds!!!

Desire, dedication and discipline - a great perspective for sure!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy Saturday?

We made it to the weekend and another date with the scale. So, I did not lose any weight this week. Something different happened...I gained a few pounds!!! I was truly and thoroughly shocked! This is new...I did splurge last Sunday and Monday in honor of Valentine's Day, but then created a calorie deficit throughout the was really surprised to see the scale this morning.

I guess I really am "allergic" to sugar. So, my only course of action is to remain focused and soldier on! And I will!!

Note to self...the sugary treats simply were not worth it! A good lesson for sure!

Desire, dedication and discipline.....makes all the difference!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Thoughts, Words and Deeds

I've been thinking about how thoughts influence our words and how our words influence our actions.

I went to the beach at South Encinitas this morning. It was a beautiful warm San Diego morning. There is an awesome route that I love to do, and haven't done in a long while! I walked south, stopping at each set of stairs leading from the top of the cliff down to the beach. There are 6 sets of stairs. They have about 110 steps at each staircase so it is a great climb! It is about 1.5 miles from where I parked by car to the south end of the route at the beach. I did the stairs on the way out and jogged back to the car.

Running is my least favorite cardio, which means I should probably do a little more of it. So back to my opening comment. As I was jogging back to my car, I wanted to stop and walk every step of the way BUT I kept thinking....I can do this, so I talked to myself, out loud, to keep going and that translated into continued jogging until I reached the car. I was so pleased with my accomplishment! Thoughts, words and deeds = desire, dedication and discipline.

So - desire is our internal thought motivators. Be dedicated through your verbal reinforcement. Show your discipline through your actions. It all comes together! Be mindful of your internal thoughts because they translate into your disciplined actions.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Just back from a special Valentine's Day breakfast with my Valentine. I enjoyed some fluffy pancakes and half of a strawberry banana muffin! Super yummy! I could only eat half my order of pancakes an, yes, I did have butter and real maple syrup with them......I'm sure that was plenty of calories!

So, as soon as my stomach settles, we are off to the gym. Today I'll do an hour of wieght training and an hour of cardio. This will help balance the special Valentine's Day treats! Then the real fun begins!

We are planning on coming home and veging out in the jacuzzi with champagne and munchies! It is a glorious sunny warm winter day in San Diego so it perfect for some outdoor lounging!

Whatever you do today to celebrate Valentine's Day, I wish you lots of love - for yourself, for your loved ones and for peace on our planet.

Desire, dedication and discipline - love yourself enough to focus on you!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Quiet Sunday

I am enjoying a quiet Sunday. Took Allen to the airport this morning. Did a long 2 hour workout to shed some frustrations. I am so glad to be home from a week of business travel. I am literally recharging my batteries today.

I know I have another super busy week at work to look forward to!

Have I mentioned what a loaded minefield of bad nutrition an airport is????? I escaped unscathed and lost a pound when I stepped on the scale on Saturday morning.....but took all of my focus to constantly say no to the myriad of temptations.

I just kept reminding myself that I love myself more than I love the cinabon/extra large snickers bar/free snak mix in the Admiral's Club/fried eveything/bonzai burrito etc. etc. etc.

I hope you are happy and well. I love hearing from you when you have the time!

Desire, dedication and discipline - works every time!

Monday, February 1, 2010

How to Not Emotioally Eat at a Funeral

Hello! I am back from my Grandmother's funeral in northern Georgia. Talk about a hot bed of opportunitites for emotional eating????!!!!

The one I will share with you was the day of the funeral itself. We had to get up very early to be at the funeral home. Then we went as a group to a diner for breakfast. It was right out of a movie...we were all dressed in "church" clothes. It was a Saturday morning at about 8:30. We pulled off of a rural highway into a place that looked open and the 6 of us walked into the diner. Conversation stopped and everyone stared at the "Yankees' who walked in. It was hysterical! The folks in my group orderded cinamom buns, and typical breakast fare. I asked for 3 egg whites scrambled dry. The waitress ( very nice woman) told me it came with toast and grits. I asked how they prepared the grits. She looked at me as if I were from Mars. So I asked if they used butter, cheese, etc. She said "no, we boyl (boil) them in water. So I tried the grits. They were good. I then asked for decaf coffee and did she have anything other than the cream (in the little silver pitcher on the table) for the coffee? She said, we have half and half. I asked further - what about non-fat milk? She said I think we have some 2% way in the back. By this time the others in my group were literally cracking up.

But I had a relatively healthy breakfast and escaped with just one bite of a cinnamom roll.

I was glad I had almonds in my purse to tide me over because at the post-funeral gathering at my aunt's house, they served lasagna, garlic bread, salad drenched in dressing and lots of cookies for desert. I managed to avoid it all! I felt good about that!

This morning I am going to Dallas for a business trip. Send me strength for another strong week!

Desire, dedication and disciple.....get's you through.....