Sunday, January 27, 2013

Girls on the Run

I had an awesome experience yesterday, Saturday.  I was volunteering for an organization called Girsl on the Run San Diego.  I was asked to faciltate their annual Board meeting and I had a very impactful day!

GOTRSD is an organization that advocates for and teaches young girls self-esteem, character building and teamwork.  They do it through running programs.  I was bowled over by the passion of the Board and their commitment to helping young girls get a strong start in life.

There was a great discussion about the generational ripple effect of helping one young girl today and how she could carry the positive effects of that forward in her life to influence others.

I reflected on our healthy journey and how important it is to reach out to young girls, and boys too, to help them form healthy habits early in life that will help serve them forever. 

Desire to help young kids believe in themselves.  Dedication to doing whatever we can to help them get a good start.  Discipline to apply the same self-esteem and self- respect to ourselves.  

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Mick Jagger had it all wrong when he sang - I can't get no.....satisfaction.   We can get all the satisfaction we want, all we have to do is plan for it and go get it!

Sooooo, I am dealing with tendonitis of my left elbow.  It is frustrating because, in order to heal it, I need to really limit using it.  This means my workouts are restricted to lower body cardio and weight and abs.  For at least another 2 weeks!

I am treating the injury with homeopathy and acupuncture.  Traditional medicine wants me to take anti-inflammatory drugs and even steroid shots.  No thank you.

This is all leading up to a big A-HA moment I experienced at my acupuncture appointment.  As I lay there on the table receiving the treatment, I was re-playing what had happened in the preceeding months that could have contributed to the injury.  It dawned on me that in the last 6 months I had gone from 2 weight training sessions a week to 3 a week. 

Guess what - tendonitis is generally attributed to over use......I think I did this to myself in an effort to become stronger and more fit.  So, when I am healed, I will throttle back to just 2 hours of weight training a week. 

Guess what #2 - too much of a good thing is just too much! 

Guess what #3 - I think God put this in my path to help me focus on tuning into what my body really needs, which for me is balance between working out really hard and resting very intentionally!

What do you need to tune into to help you progress on your healthy journey?

Desire to heal completely.  Dedication finding satisfaction.  Discipline to rest when needed.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Here, There and Everywhere

This morning I went to a local beach for a walk, called Swami's.  It was blindingly beautiful this morning.  The tide was so high that the bottom of the staircase leading to the beach was underwater.  The surf was really high.  The sun was brilliant.  The temperature was brisk.  It was a spectacular morning.  I had a great walk and did all five staircases, each one has over 105 stairs.  The bottom of each one was underwater, which is a rare site to see.  It was a very cool workout!

So, ever since the first of the year, everyone is talking about their favorite approach to losing weight and getting healthier, hence my title, here, there and everywhere.  One person is focused on low carb, including a square of 85% dark chocolate every night.  Another person is doing a 21 day raw vegan cleanse.  Still another person paid $800 to join Medifast.  And of course, I have gone lean and green.

I actually don't think it matters what someone chooses to do, as long as you find something that works for you.  And I think it is important to stay true to yourself and keep trying.  We are all on a lifelong healthy journey.  Getting to a healthier weight, staying at a healthier weight, not giving up when you back slide a little.  When you fall off the horse, you have to get right back on.  Really, please keep trying because you are worth it.  No oneis more worth your best efforts to be healthy than you are! 

I am so excited that I wake up in the morning with another opportunity to do my best, to be my best to possibly help others to be their best.  I hope you are grateful and excited too!

Desire to be my best.  Dedication to be my best. Discipline to invest my best in me.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Old Friends and Good Times!

We had dear friends stay with us this weekend AND I did it!  I stayed on track!  I did my workouts!  I cooked healthy!  I ate healthy!  I am proud of myself!

Entertaining friends is a powerful trigger to stray off plan.  I vowed this weekend to be true to myself.  Hurray!

I invited my girlfriend to the gym with me where we did cardio and worked with my trainer togther with weight training.  Then we went to Starbucks for a treat.  I had a small nonfat sugar free decaf latte, about 100 calories.

Then we had lunch at the beach.  I had a nicoise salad with no dressing.  Then we hung out in the back yard sunshine.  Everyone else was sipping (drinking) their favorite adult beverage while I drank mineral water (zero calories).  I ate carrots while they noshed cheese and nuts.

I cooked a dinner of roasted root veges and oven roasted salmon with s side of tossed green salad.  They drank wine while I drank water.  Desert was fresh blueberries and strawberries.  I had mine plain while they drizzled liquor on their.

I am not trying to sound sanctimonious, just trying to reinforce a point to myself, and to you, that we can do anything we set our minds to.

How are you doing with your intentions?  My yoga teacher, Judy, asked me - in one word, how would you sum up your desire for 2013?  I thought about it and said "Lighter".  I want to be lighter physically and I want to lighten up mentally, not be as intense about things as I can be, 

What is your word?

Desire to be lighter.  Discipline to do lighter things.  Dedication to love a lighter life.