CHangin' and CHocolate, both begin with CH.....and I've been through a lot of both in the last 48 hours! My final day at LG was Thursday. After 4 years, it was time to say goodbye. I have known this day was coming for months and I am very prepared for the next stage of my career and life and I received a very fair severance package (so money is not an issue) and yet, still, it was surprisingly stressful to walk out the door for the final time.
I know it was because of the relationships I had developed and the people I care about. I know it was because even though I have been preparing for a long time to transition, that stepping off the ledge represents a big change. Intellectually, I know all these things.
It is another thing to experience my own set of emotions as this significant transition actually occurs. The funny thing is that I do not actually ever (normally) crave chocolate - really, I am telling the truth. So, it was actually pretty funny when I started snacking on mini-chocolates. As I reached for them, I knew it was real true honest-to-goodness stress eating! So, you know what......I ate it and knew I was "feeding" an emotional need at that time. It was pretty interesting to observe myself and my food choices and to be OK with it and allow myself the indulgence. I knew that it was temporary and mindful and that it was serving me in a way that I needed. Just so you know, I also turned to yoga and soaking in hot baths too!
So, you know right after the Superbowl, an announcer asks the quarterback of the winning team.....where are you going? And he always answers...."I'm going to Disneyland!"? Well, imagine the announcer just said to me...."Patty McKay, you just lost your job...where are you going?" My answer is "I'm going to Italy (not Disneyland)!" One of the things I did in preparation for the change was to plan a vacation to mark this significant life transition, so Allen and I are off to visit our niece in Florence who is studying abroad for a semester. So, it is likely that I will miss posting next weekend as I am not taking any electronics with me. Please forgive me.
I will be walking all day and enjoying excellent Italian culture in all available forms - museums, people, countryside, fashion, food and wine! Yay! I promise I will bring back some fun things to share with you.
Desire to transition to the future. Dedication to emotional health. Discipline to stop the chocolate intake after a brief indulgence.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
The Heavens Parted and the Angels Wept!
Right now I am literally high on life! I just had the most amazing experience with a new yoga teacher. Like me, many of you believe that the universe brings us gifts as we are open and ready to receive. BOY! Did that just happen to me!
As you may know, next Friday is my last day at LG. So, I am facing a significant life transition. Things are going GREAT and I am not worried about the future, however this transition still carries with it a bucket of stress. So, this morning, instead of going into work early (because, really, why bother at this point???) I went to a new yoga class at my favorite studio The Soul of Yoga. The class was a Power Flow, which is a style I tend to shy away from now and gravitate to a more gentle flow. But I was hungry for a good yoga class so I went anyway. I met the teacher, Judy Tsuei, and explained that I would probably modify some of the asanas for my body. She was very accepting and made me instantly feel welcome.
Then the most WONDERFUL thing happened. No one else showed for the class, so I was the recipient of a "private". This doesn't happen often and it was just wonderful! Judy took a moment to connect and ask me how I was feeling in my body and tailored the class to more of a hip opener just for me. Judy is one of those rare teachers who just oozes intuitive connection. She was FABULOUS SPECTACULAR and, did I mention WONDERFUL!
I am so happy right now. I literally feel joyful in my mind, my heart, my spirit and my body. I know this was a gift just for me from God that came at just the right time and in the perfect package. I know I will continue to seek out Judy as a teacher and guide.
Really, if you are ever in the area you should seek her out for a wonderful experience! She is also a Reiki Master Practitioner. You can meet her at
Desire to transition with success. Dedication to gratitude for all of our divine gifts. Discipline to keep the mind and heart open to receive.
As you may know, next Friday is my last day at LG. So, I am facing a significant life transition. Things are going GREAT and I am not worried about the future, however this transition still carries with it a bucket of stress. So, this morning, instead of going into work early (because, really, why bother at this point???) I went to a new yoga class at my favorite studio The Soul of Yoga. The class was a Power Flow, which is a style I tend to shy away from now and gravitate to a more gentle flow. But I was hungry for a good yoga class so I went anyway. I met the teacher, Judy Tsuei, and explained that I would probably modify some of the asanas for my body. She was very accepting and made me instantly feel welcome.
Then the most WONDERFUL thing happened. No one else showed for the class, so I was the recipient of a "private". This doesn't happen often and it was just wonderful! Judy took a moment to connect and ask me how I was feeling in my body and tailored the class to more of a hip opener just for me. Judy is one of those rare teachers who just oozes intuitive connection. She was FABULOUS SPECTACULAR and, did I mention WONDERFUL!
I am so happy right now. I literally feel joyful in my mind, my heart, my spirit and my body. I know this was a gift just for me from God that came at just the right time and in the perfect package. I know I will continue to seek out Judy as a teacher and guide.
Really, if you are ever in the area you should seek her out for a wonderful experience! She is also a Reiki Master Practitioner. You can meet her at
Desire to transition with success. Dedication to gratitude for all of our divine gifts. Discipline to keep the mind and heart open to receive.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Fitness Thru Rugby
I am sitting here watching a rugby match (well sort of) with my hubbie. All of the rugby players are in amazing shape! Of course, we are watching pros, so you would expect them to be uber-fit. It's just so much more obvious with rugby players since their uniform consists of tight jerseys and little short shorts! So much nicer than watching basketball with the super longs "split skirts" they are calling shorts these days!
My husband is a rugby player. He plays in a local league, mostly for fun and (what he calls) the "3rd half" (the after party). The truth is that he is in AMAZING shape and wears the shorts well! He is going to kill me for including that detail in my post. :-)
He goes to practice twice a week. Each practice is 2 hours and the games go for at least an hour on Saturdays. In between, he goes to the gym with me.
So, it dawned on me, all we have to do is join a team that keeps us running for 5-6 hours a week and we could all look amazing in little rugby shorts!
Desire to keep seeking. Dedication to fitness in all forms. Discipline to try new things.
My husband is a rugby player. He plays in a local league, mostly for fun and (what he calls) the "3rd half" (the after party). The truth is that he is in AMAZING shape and wears the shorts well! He is going to kill me for including that detail in my post. :-)
He goes to practice twice a week. Each practice is 2 hours and the games go for at least an hour on Saturdays. In between, he goes to the gym with me.
So, it dawned on me, all we have to do is join a team that keeps us running for 5-6 hours a week and we could all look amazing in little rugby shorts!
Desire to keep seeking. Dedication to fitness in all forms. Discipline to try new things.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Feed a Cold? Starve a Fever?
I am not sure which on is right, are you? I just know that I left work early today to come home and take a nap. I am fighting off a cold, for the second time this year. All I know is that I was starving, so I ate lunch before taking my nap.
Then you have to figure out if you should work out or not work out. So, I have heard that if you have symptoms below the neck, then stay home and don't workout. So, if I feel as good as I do now, in the morning, then I will go do my workout.
I think that the stress of the transition at work is probably what is making me more susceptible to cold germs. March 30th will be my last day at LG and I will fully transition to my own consulting practice. I am looking forward to working hard and also enjoying a new found freedom to flex my schedule to meet my needs instead of the needs of the corporation. I fantasize about the possibility of doing my workout in the middle of the day of I want about a 10am yoga class???? Can't wait!!!
Desire to stay healthy. Dedication to staying healthy. Discipline to take care of myself to stay healthy.
Then you have to figure out if you should work out or not work out. So, I have heard that if you have symptoms below the neck, then stay home and don't workout. So, if I feel as good as I do now, in the morning, then I will go do my workout.
I think that the stress of the transition at work is probably what is making me more susceptible to cold germs. March 30th will be my last day at LG and I will fully transition to my own consulting practice. I am looking forward to working hard and also enjoying a new found freedom to flex my schedule to meet my needs instead of the needs of the corporation. I fantasize about the possibility of doing my workout in the middle of the day of I want about a 10am yoga class???? Can't wait!!!
Desire to stay healthy. Dedication to staying healthy. Discipline to take care of myself to stay healthy.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
If Perfect's What You"re Searching For......
....then just stay the same!
I love that song that is on the radio right now, and particularly that line of the song. If only we could all embrace that concept and teach it to the upcoming generation, imagine how different the world would be!
At Saturday's yoga class, the teacher said she was getting ready to babysit for her granddaughter, while her daughter and friend got ready for a night out together. She said she was struck by the conversation between the 2 women, both in their 20's; both beautiful and fabulous. The 20-somethings were talking about how much they hated their thighs, and how their hair wouldn't behave and how they wish they had larger breasts/longer legs/smaller butts. So, Flossie, my yoga teacher, picked up her grandduaghter and said - we are going into another oom where my grandbaby won't hear all this negativity.
So, raise your right hand if you thought you were perfect in your 20"s.........not to many hands up, right? I know, I fell victim to self-criticism, like so many of us.
Here is what I know to be some point in the future, you will look at a photo of yourself from 10 years ago and say something like......WOW, I looked great! 10 years from now, you will do the same thing. So, why not start today and look in the mirror, instead of a photo, and say - WOW, I look great! So, as you are today, in this moment, foresaking any desire to change or shift - just accept and wallow in the perfection of who you are.
Then, turn to the other people in your life and acknowledge their perfection. Compliment and reinforce the little boys and girls who are so hungry for your love and praise. Really instill in them their perfection. Teach them to embrace their excellence.
Whatever you focus on will expand, grow and flourish. So, if you focus on the fact that you think you are too heavy, guess what???? If you focus on your beauty and health and perfection....guess what????
Desire to accept perfection in the now. Dedication to empowering the next generation to embrace their excellence. Discipline to invite positive thoughts to your universe.
I love that song that is on the radio right now, and particularly that line of the song. If only we could all embrace that concept and teach it to the upcoming generation, imagine how different the world would be!
At Saturday's yoga class, the teacher said she was getting ready to babysit for her granddaughter, while her daughter and friend got ready for a night out together. She said she was struck by the conversation between the 2 women, both in their 20's; both beautiful and fabulous. The 20-somethings were talking about how much they hated their thighs, and how their hair wouldn't behave and how they wish they had larger breasts/longer legs/smaller butts. So, Flossie, my yoga teacher, picked up her grandduaghter and said - we are going into another oom where my grandbaby won't hear all this negativity.
So, raise your right hand if you thought you were perfect in your 20"s.........not to many hands up, right? I know, I fell victim to self-criticism, like so many of us.
Here is what I know to be some point in the future, you will look at a photo of yourself from 10 years ago and say something like......WOW, I looked great! 10 years from now, you will do the same thing. So, why not start today and look in the mirror, instead of a photo, and say - WOW, I look great! So, as you are today, in this moment, foresaking any desire to change or shift - just accept and wallow in the perfection of who you are.
Then, turn to the other people in your life and acknowledge their perfection. Compliment and reinforce the little boys and girls who are so hungry for your love and praise. Really instill in them their perfection. Teach them to embrace their excellence.
Whatever you focus on will expand, grow and flourish. So, if you focus on the fact that you think you are too heavy, guess what???? If you focus on your beauty and health and perfection....guess what????
Desire to accept perfection in the now. Dedication to empowering the next generation to embrace their excellence. Discipline to invite positive thoughts to your universe.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Krikey! I'm Late!
So sorry I missed posting this past Saturday! I was visiting a friend in Nashville and did not make the time to access the internet. This is a dear friend that I have not seen in many years, and yet, we fell in step as if it had only been a few weeks. Such a nice visit!
She has been on her own healthy journey. She lost her husband (of 17 years) 2 years ago and has been raising 3 boys on her own. It is completely understandable why she turned to food for comfort. She chuckles at how easy it was to join her teenage boys in a bowl of ice cream at night. Further, what a difference there is between a teenage boy's metabolism and a 40-something's metabolism. We had so much to commiserate about. And yet, what an awesome inspiration she is to me, and to all of us!
One morning, she simply decided to take stock of her health and shed the weight she had added as a comfort barrier against her massive grief. She has been very successful with my favorite strategy of good old fashioned diet and exercise. She is 5'11" and back down to a svelte size 8. She looks like a supermodel!!! She feels like she has found her mojo again and may be back in the dating pool!
It made me reflect on my weight challenges and wanted to dig deeper to analyze what might still be going on inside of me. I certainly have frequent challenges but they are "challenges" not "CHALLENGES", like the loss she had to endure.
So, we all have to ask ourselves, what are the challenges we face that may cause us to ingest unnecessary calories. Are they real or just a convenient excuse to indulge???? Try that question on for size and see what you come up with. :-)
Desire to find deeper clarity. Dedication to awesome friends. Discipline to ask ourselves the tough questions.
She has been on her own healthy journey. She lost her husband (of 17 years) 2 years ago and has been raising 3 boys on her own. It is completely understandable why she turned to food for comfort. She chuckles at how easy it was to join her teenage boys in a bowl of ice cream at night. Further, what a difference there is between a teenage boy's metabolism and a 40-something's metabolism. We had so much to commiserate about. And yet, what an awesome inspiration she is to me, and to all of us!
One morning, she simply decided to take stock of her health and shed the weight she had added as a comfort barrier against her massive grief. She has been very successful with my favorite strategy of good old fashioned diet and exercise. She is 5'11" and back down to a svelte size 8. She looks like a supermodel!!! She feels like she has found her mojo again and may be back in the dating pool!
It made me reflect on my weight challenges and wanted to dig deeper to analyze what might still be going on inside of me. I certainly have frequent challenges but they are "challenges" not "CHALLENGES", like the loss she had to endure.
So, we all have to ask ourselves, what are the challenges we face that may cause us to ingest unnecessary calories. Are they real or just a convenient excuse to indulge???? Try that question on for size and see what you come up with. :-)
Desire to find deeper clarity. Dedication to awesome friends. Discipline to ask ourselves the tough questions.
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